GiGi K Photography: Blog en-us (C) GiGi K Photography [email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Mon, 16 Mar 2020 07:12:00 GMT Mon, 16 Mar 2020 07:12:00 GMT GiGi K Photography: Blog 90 120 Day 26...Vegas 2015 My blog, my prerogative to change the rules I set in place, right? ;) Instead of going back 5 years and pulling from my first blog I decided to look and see what I was doing last year on January 26th. Well, that proved to be of no help!!! I guess I didn't pick up my camera on that day either. SOoo, I went back another year in time and smiled big when I saw I was in Vegas on January 26th, 2015. We love it there and we don't even really gamble. I may be the only person who, combined with my husband can spend four days in Vegas and spend less than 100 bucks gambling!? We just love the shows, people watching, the lights, atmosphere and the food! What a place to be.

 Elvis sang it best in 'Viva Las Vegas'... My favorite line in that song is .......

"If you see it once, You'll never be the same again!"

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Fri, 27 Jan 2017 04:45:00 GMT
Day 25... GO, CHEAT REPEATS! ;) A tough week. Didn't feel well. It just is what it is. A few days of 2012 are coming your way. :/ 

This post from day 25 in 2012, I actually talk about "cheat repeats." Imagine that! :D

I do hope you enjoy peeking into my past along with me. 

Thank you so much! 

Here's a link to my original post.

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Wed, 25 Jan 2017 20:00:00 GMT
Day 24... Taco Tuesday Somehow, I keep making my way back to food photos. Dang that food photography anyway!!! lolol

Since we've already established the fact that I'm NOT a food photographer, I'll just tell you it's also a quickie snapshot with my cell phone. No real pressure today for a worthwhile photo. Just another Taco Tuesday. Lord knows I LOVE Taco Tuesdays (insert BIG cheesy grin!) :D  

So, if you're out and about in the Northland, this little gem of a joint is located in Claycomo. Nothing fancy. Just good, homemade, fresh food. 


[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Tue, 24 Jan 2017 19:30:00 GMT
Day 23 ... Back in Time Day 23, 2012 Feeling a little under the weather and just didn't get much of anything done today. It happens to the best of us. I hope this "thing" I feel coming on doesn't manifest itself into anything too, terribly ugly but, I'm definitely coming down with something. UGH... there may be a photo of a box of kleenex coming up soon on this blog. Oh wait, I think I did that last time. 

Let's take a little trip back and see what day 23, 2012 holds in store for us! Wait right here...I'll be back! :D 

Well, this one's a little about me! ... If you're interested, please take a look see at the original post! As you can see I figured out the whole 'add a link' process to this blog. It was different. Some things just take me a bit! :)

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Mon, 23 Jan 2017 20:45:00 GMT
Day 22 ... A Very Proud GiGi Talk about talent? A natural? The best of the best? Well, look no further. We've got her right here in our family. This little lady was my first born grandbaby. She's only been in gymnastics for one year and she's knockin' it out of the park at gym meets!!! Way to go, Alia! We love you so much and are so, so proud! 

Here's a couple of my favs from one of her meets. 


[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sun, 22 Jan 2017 20:30:00 GMT
Day 21... Pipers First Family Today is Saturday the 21st of January, 2017! A beautiful day! And, any day you get to spend with kind, loving people who love their fur babies as much as you do, well, that's a great day in my book!  Mark and I went to visit Sunny today. She was Piper's first human mommy. We're so glad we found her and that we have Piper now, too! One of the best parts of this story is one many of you have probably heard. But, I love telling this story! So here ya go! :D

After my veterinarian's office made a phone call, on my behalf, to a breeder they knew had available Labrador puppies, Mark and I were anxiously waiting to hear from her. Our vet had assured us she was the kind of breeder we wanted. Responsible! She called me that same evening, we spoke, went over a few details regarding when we could go look at the puppies etc and I got off the phone GIDDY with excitement. Although she sent me, via text, a couple of photos of the momma dog and litter, I was so excited that I decided it wouldn't hurt to scope out her fb page just to see if she had possibly posted puppy photos from past litters. Yes, I found some adorable photos from past litters but what really knocked my socks off was seeing a photo she had of two dogs on her front porch!!! A very familiar front porch; one I've walked across in my life more times than I could count. Quite seriously, I nearly fell out of bed when I realized she lived in the same house I grew up in! What a small world it really is. It was meant to be that we found her. Not only did we acquire our sweet Piper from her but, she's become a real friend and I couldn't be happier to have a new friend like her in my life. I feel bad that I don't have a photo of her for today's post but I do have one of her daughter and the Divine Miss P's canine family. They're all beauties! Human and canine! :) Sunny, be prepared. Consider yourself warned! You can't escape my camera for long :D

Kaitlin with Hudson

L to R ... Piper's grandma Kansas, her momma, Kamo and her littermate brother, Hudson. A very fine trio!

Kaitlin and Hudson

Hudson, the handsome one. 


[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sat, 21 Jan 2017 20:15:00 GMT
Day 20 ... Day 20, 2012 Another journey back in time... Let's see what day 20, 2012 has to offer. I think the one really fun thing for me about these 'throw back' days is that I don't remember what day 20 was five years ago. How could I. I never look before I post them so it's always a fun surprise for me, going back in time!

 Let me go fetch that post right now! .... brb :)

Ahhhh, I couldn't be happier to share this one. Aside from my novice photography skills (not that I'm such a pro now, mind you) this was one of my favorites from that year. 

Day 20... Small Things




February 08, 2012  •  Leave a Comment

 Day 20

The best things in life smile when they see you drive up in your car.

The best things in life let you build towers just so they can knock them down.

The best things in life chew on the dog bone...then give it back to the dog.

They reach for you with little, outstretched arms, cry when you tell them "no"

and look you straight in the eye as they do it again... :)

The best things in life want to watch a movie with you.

The best things in life want you to have lots of art on your fridge.

They want to read a book to YOU,  fix your hair "pretty"...

and then tell you that you look "a little weird."

The best things in life say they've been "praying and praying" to come back to your house. 

The best things in life respond to "Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite" with...

"but if they do, smack 'em with your shoe" and then giggle...:)

The best things in life really are the "small things"

They are the mirror to our own past

and the key to our future.

The best things in life are God's reward for whatever we've done right!





[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Fri, 20 Jan 2017 06:00:00 GMT
Day 19 ... Orange Cat My sweet Orange Cat. She begged. It's that simple. I tried to tell her being on the blog twice in one week was one too many times but she posed like a pro (had nothing to do with a few crumbs lying on the counter, you know.) :)

Love this cat. She's 5 years older now since my last 365 project and no longer ALWAYS sits right by my side while I work. I'm pretty sure I can say she never left my side during that year. She truly was my feline assistant. Now, she much prefers the comfort of a recliner that one of her humans has turned over to her after heading off to bed.

Here she is. In all her beautiful orange glory. 

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Thu, 19 Jan 2017 06:15:00 GMT
Day 18 ... Caramel Heaven Planet Kane still has some candy happenin'... yes , we do and it's the best you've ever had. I would be willing to wager.  Just my opinion of course. And, I do have a ton of opinions...But, we won't get into those. Let's just stick to the most heavenly caramels you've ever tasted!

Now, I know a few days back I informed you of my lack of skill when it comes to food photography. So, keep that in mind. Maybe it will help you not to be so jealous that you aren't enjoying these mouth-watering, homemade caramels. Or, maybe not. They. Are. Incredible. 

From this....

to this ....

to this....oh, I can taste them now :D

OK, by now, rest assured, I've tasted. 

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Wed, 18 Jan 2017 06:45:00 GMT
Day 17 ... Vote, PLEASE All in good fun, you know. Sooo, :) please leave your vote in the comments! To paint, or not to paint. That is the question. This fireplace needs help in the worst way. Well, I think it does anyway. Mark, on the other hand, he thinks it's just fine the way it is (sigh.) Of course, he does. But, me? I want to paint it! It will brighten and lighten the room, don't you agree? For one, the color of the brick is not attractive. Two, it just makes the room darker and that's what bothers me most! This room also has a covered porch right outside the only windows which only adds to the darkness! Aaand, when we bought the house the wood paneling was still wood stained. Ok, believe me, I was screaming TOOOO DARK!!! Without any hesitation, at all, I knew the walls had to be painted. That alone was enough to cause Marks jaw to drop. You should've seen the look on his face when I said I was going to paint the paneling. He was so worried I would ruin it. I thought painting the room would be enough, and it did help but, it's still dark. I REALLY think painting the fireplace would definitely brighten the room. On top of all my 'it's too dark of a room' issues, it's an odd configuration with the door leading to the garage on one side and then the recessed cabinet and shelving on the other. That not being painted already is all my own hesitation. I just wasn't sure what I wanted to do with it when I painted the walls so I left it as it was/is. 

So, tell me true! Here's a photo of the fireplace. Tell me whatcha think? If nothing else, you gotta love my Divine Miss P the photo bomber! <3

Oh and by the way. I'm mainly looking for some moral support! lolol Seriously. If I was REALLY confident that I wouldn't screw this up, I probably would've already done it. Mark knows I'm serious. He'll be fine. As long as I don't ruin it!!! Because I know there's no going back when painting brick! Let me just say, YIKES! I know what I want, I'm just nervous I can't pull it off and it 'need$' to be a diy project. I'm too cheap and wouldn't pay to have it done. It's gotta be me, or a no go. So now that the truth is out (I'm lacking in confidence,) place your vote for what you think should be done. Paint, or no. Then throw in a few words of encouragement while you're at it! :D Thanks!

Second photo? That's my little Hare Bear. <3  I know he'll love coming to GiGi and PaPa's house whether I paint the fireplace, or not. I'll be his "Sweetheart" and let him play on my tablet anytime he wants! And, I have snacks too! 

Photography lesson with this post? I now know I'm not fit to be a real estate photographer. Food Photographer-X ... Real Estate photographer-X ... two down and counting!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Tue, 17 Jan 2017 06:15:00 GMT
Day 16 ... Bird love No matter how many times I say this, it's as true as the time before. I LOVE my backyard birds. I suppose I should/could take the time to find different places to birdwatch, too, though. Nature preserves? Bird sanctuaries? But, I just enjoy what flies into my own backyard the most. :)  It makes me feel like they're 'my birds.' And, when you're the owner/manager of the neighborhood hot spot for feathered friends...well, you just can't be away for long! Our local birds think Kane's Backyard Bird Diner is the place to be!

This female Cardinal was ravenous today and spent a lot of time feeding. I caught this image when she took a break from the feeder and flew to perch in my Pine tree. 


[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Tue, 17 Jan 2017 01:40:37 GMT
Day 15 ... Orange Cat Meet Orange Cat. Yep, that's her name. We've had her for almost 12 years now and she remains, quite simply, Orange Cat. It's official you know when it's on their veterinary record! After the first few months of spending countless hours trying our best to come up with a name that suited her, we just couldn't and slowly, Orange Cat just stuck. But, at this point I'm convinced she's not living in a state of despair over it. She is affectionately called Pusskins on a regular basis and seems emotionally well adjusted so her name is rarely discussed except when introducing her to others. :)

However, what has disrupted her little world, and likely caused her some despair is the existence of two small humans living in what she firmly believes is solely her domain. Two small humans who are WAY more interested in her than she is in them. I can just imagine her sighs and feelings of disdain when she sees them coming. But, wouldn't you know, she ALWAYS seems happily hunkered down in a chair or on our bed upstairs, EXCEPT when you want her to be! She regularly attempts to hold her ground just waiting for one of them to get close while she's lounging in one of our recliners. That's when the warning meow is sounded! Next comes the stealthy swat if the meow wasn't sufficient to ward them off. HA! Seriously? Ward them off? They're fascinated by her! I can't imagine why though considering they've both been swatted at multiple times. Somehow, unlike me, I'm very sure that Orange Cat won't miss those babies one bit when they move soon. 

Today, when both the babes were napping, this is where I found her and where she stayed for an hour or more. I'm sure she was very proud and quite happy with herself thinking 'I'll show them' as she laid her fluffy self right smack dab in the middle of the living room floor next to all their little toys!!! She gave me 'the look' when I was making her portrait as if to say, 'I'VE NEVER HAD THIS MANY TOYS! 

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Mon, 16 Jan 2017 05:00:57 GMT
Day 14 ... Ham, Beans and the Divine Miss P Kitchen photos. ALWAYS kitchen photos. There's no posing if she's outside. Trying to catch a great image of a labrador while it's rolling, wrestling, jumping, humping, digging and, in general moving non-stop is exasperating, to say the least. Sure, I know all about using my camera settings to catch the action but, honestly, it's just no fun when they're being obnoxious. There's really no posing when she's inside either. This was a 'one shot, lucky, click of the shutter' before she bridged the gap between us to slime me and my camera lens with kisses. You'd never know it by the beauty in this shot, would you? So, so many kitchen shots of my pretty baby. This is where we spend lots of time. She doesn't seem to mind much, though. There's always a treat nearby (or whatever baby Evey drops on the floor) and that makes her quite the happy Piper pup. 

Moving on to my second photo. Food photographers, you have my utmost respect. Period. I raise my glass (my bowl to you.) Here's to a fabulous bowl of ham and beans with cornbread! Delicious smells filled this house today while we waited on an ice storm that has yet to arrive and one I could definitely live without. But, no worries. I'm safe and sound at home. And, a steaming hot bowl of leftover beans will be amazing tomorrow, too, should that ice storm actually hit. :) 

Miss Piper <3

Dinner :) 

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Piper beans and ham Sun, 15 Jan 2017 05:47:06 GMT
Day 13 ... A COLD day for Eagle watching We saw at least a half-dozen eagles at Smithville Lake today. As many times as I go out eagle watching and as many times as I've captured photos, I never tire of them. Such a beautiful, powerful creature.  

This isn't the best photo I've captured of an eagle but it's not 'bad.' The longest lens I own is 300mm and it was at 300. And cropped A. LOT.

I hope to capture yet another, better image this winter but for now, this is my first in a few years. It was so cloudy and beyond bitter cold out there this afternoon. We were late getting out there and it was close to sunset (had it been a sunny day) so that didn't help me out either but, I got a shot. I hope you enjoy.

I'm not sure how far we were from it. I'm not a great judge of distance. This was shot with my lens at 300mm.

Here it is cropped.

And, for anyone who might be interested in boating and/or skiing right now, I took this one for YOU! ;D


[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Fri, 13 Jan 2017 20:45:00 GMT
Day 12... Milk with cookies, please! Obviously, I've never been directly behind a Shatto milk truck before. I sure wish the truck had been clean so reading the fine print was easier but, how cute is that. If you've never seen it before either, take time to read close. I don't know why I like it so much but, I do! It made me smile. :D


[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Thu, 12 Jan 2017 20:30:00 GMT
Day 11 ... Resorting to Resorting to a cell phone shot of the sleeping dog and husband, that is. Oh, and if sound effects were available, there would be snoring involved, too. Sometimes I wonder where I fit into this picture...Well, actually, there IS room for me (barely) but, not so much and, as much as we love our furbabies, there's just not enough room on our bed for them to actually sleep with us. Now, Miss Piper, she could care less. She loves her nighttime sleep kennel and goes straight to it when we head upstairs. Sophie on the other hand? Well, you can see where she'd like to spend her night. :) She thinks our bed is the best place ever for stretching out and sleeping! When it is finally time for lights out, I have to literally drag her doggy booty OFF the bed! But, once all four paws hit the floor, she knows right where to go and sleeps snugly in her nighttime kennel, too. 

Sleeping dog and 'dad.' Yep, I regularly have to take his glasses off :D

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Wed, 11 Jan 2017 19:45:00 GMT
Day 10... Oopsie #3 I really am struggling this time around, but, I'm learning a lot about me... I said I wasn't going to beat myself up yet, I still am. Stressing each day that I haven't had a worthy photo to post along with my "babbling blog.' And, seriously, stressing over a blog? RIDICULOUS! I want it to be fun. I just can't seem to find the time to get out for an interesting photography shot. I think I need to remind myself that I have 354 days to go. Hopefully, the worthwhile photo days will heavily outweigh the other days. And, at the end of it all, I'll have a year in my life documented even if it is just some snapshot photo days here and there..... I hope you enjoy another day of my 2012 blog! I haven't clicked on it yet so even I don't remember what day 10 held five years ago. Hopefully it will be a 'worthy' one...I sure had some less than grand photos on that blog, too! lolol 

January 29, 2012

Day 10 ... Days Gone By

Day 10
Once in a
while, we all reminisce about the way things used to be. Lots of clever Fwd's seem to float around the internet, through our e-mail and on Facebook that remind us of our own childhood and how truly different it really was compared to the children of today. Occasionally, though, when your not even thinking of it, is when it really hits you!
Today as I was walking around town here in Liberty with my husband I saw this phone booth. I immediately loved it's bright color and how it just screamed of days gone by. But what really struck me was the young people who had just passed by us in a car, laughing and squealing (there were eight of them piled in this fairly small car..we counted as they got out)... but as they drove past I saw at least a few of them with cell phones in hand. I had to wonder if any of them had ever even used a pay phone, much less used one inside of a phone booth!!! It was just one of those instant reminders of how different things were when I was their age...(now, being piled in a car with way too many passengers remains the same)
Don't get me wrong, I actually like technology and for the most 
part I embrace all the changes and want to keep up with how things change. I don't ever want to be that "older person" who is really way too young to be so "out of touch" with the way things are nowadays. It just really made me wonder what will my children look back on when they're only 52 years old and remember as being soooo different from the way it is right now...:)


[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) phone booth Tue, 10 Jan 2017 19:15:00 GMT
Day 9 ... Monday, No Funday It's happens...leaky pipes....a mess. And, I'm NOT talking about ME! :D

Tuesday it was all put back together and that's a good thing!

End of story

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Mon, 09 Jan 2017 06:15:00 GMT
Day 8... A VERY 'burrry' day at the Bur Oak Not counting my family, of course, there's nothing I love more than nature. Period. Birds, flowers, gardening, hiking and trees, too. They're so powerful. Strong. Mighty. And, we have one of the best examples of that mightiness very near the Greater KC area a couple of hours east, between Booneville and Columbia. A Bur Oak that is between 350-400 years old. A sight to see. This spring I want to take a picnic lunch, sit and just be. I posted a YouTube video below if you'd like to know more about the tree.


[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Bur Oak Mon, 09 Jan 2017 04:22:27 GMT
Day 7... Another 'Oopsie!' In keeping with my decision to not beat myself up for missing some days here and there, I will no longer refer to those days as 'failures'... I much prefer the term 'oopsie!' In fact, it makes me smile and I don't feel so bad at all! 

I hope you enjoy this blog entry from January 26, 2012... :)

Day 7...Eggs and the Lord

January 26, 2012  •  

 Day 7

Ok, I have to goes...Am I the only person who's never noticed the Bible verse on the inside of the egg carton? Please, someone, tell me I'm not alone. I guess I don't get an award for being very observant. Obviously, in my mad rush to put groceries away and move on to the next task, I've transferred eggs (no telling how many times) to the egg container and tossed the cartons in the recycling bin without ever noticing. It may sound silly to some (and my husband never misses the chance to tease me about it) but I truly believe there's a life lesson in nearly every moment we live. So what could possibly be my lesson in this? Maybe to be more observant? Lord only knows what I may be missing out on (no pun intended but I feel certain He has a really good since of humor anyway!)

Today, I actually had a really good day! It was a great day at work, the weather is beautiful and my daughter Abby came by to see me "just because" :) It always makes my day when my kids stop by just to see me! And last, but certainly not least, in my search for something to photograph, I not only find a subject but a little message from God!... Life is Good!


[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) eggs Sun, 08 Jan 2017 03:30:00 GMT
Day 6...Evey and Peter Pan Joy, pure and simple. Unspeakable and full of glory. A baby's smile. A baby's laughter. 

Does an apple make any of us this happy? Something to think about, huh. To be so innocent. To once again grasp the meaning of "it's the small things that really make us happy." Really small, like an apple.

Oh, sweet little one, GiGi's Evey girl. I love you more than you'll ever know.

"When the first baby laughed for the first time, its laugh broke into a thousand pieces, and they all went skipping about, and that was the beginning of fairies."  ~J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan, 


[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Evey Pan Peter Sat, 07 Jan 2017 05:44:43 GMT
Day 5 ... Failure Well, it only took me 5 days to fail. No photo for today. Not that I didn't try (sigh/frustration.) My efforts included time outside on my back porch but, my idea was a no go :/  And, I actually do have one photo of the pups laying on the kitchen floor being still for all of 30 seconds. WOO HOO, right? But, knowing in my heart of hearts that there will likely be an abundance of furbaby photos on this blog during the next year, I decided not to post a photo that didn't do them (or my photography) any justice. So, here's what I DID decide. 

1. I've decided not to beat myself up when I miss a day. For instance, like today, it was freezing cold outside!!! High of maybe 12 degrees? I had NO desire to leave the house and seek out something fabulous, (or simply worthy,) to photograph. I stayed in my jammies ALL day. I even went outside, briefly, on the back porch in said jammies for that photo attempt I mentioned earlier. Talk about COLD... YIKES! But, I gutted my closet and dresser! 5 sacks off to Goodwill. And, I'm feeling REALLY good about that! 

2. I've decided to take a trip back in time when this happens and share a post from the exact day of my first 365 project blog. 5 years to be exact....Now, let's see what Day 5 had to offer five years ago! OH, WOW, I just realized it's Thursday anyway! TBT, ya'll :D

 Here's my day 5 photo from January 24, 2012. I started my project later in January that year so the dates and projects days don't match up :) 

Day 5...a Lifetime of Memories

January 24, 2012  •  

Day 5

If only Brownie could talk!!! If I only knew how many moments in time had been captured by "Brownie"....If only I had a penny for each of the photos taken. How many birthdays would there be? Family gatherings? The fishing trips "big catch" or Christmases? Weddings and new babies arrivals?...and don't forget the picnics!!!...Wow, I could go on forever and the list of memories captured could be endless. Old, faithful Brownie caught so many of those moments that my family now treasures, neatly placed in aging photo albums for a lifetime of walks down memory lane. Mom loved her Brownie. I remember her saying many times that it took the best pictures of all!




[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Brownie camera Fri, 06 Jan 2017 05:45:35 GMT
Day 4....The Hounds These two...what can I say. Rhetorical question, of course. One day... MAYBE... I'll capture an amazing photo of them again. Why yes, that's it! Maybe in the spring when the grass turns green and the gardens are in bloom!!! Oh... wait... I momentarily forgot; We don't have grass anymore...and gardens? Flowers? Will I ever see those again? For now, they're a beautiful memory. Along with Mystic Village. Any of my fb friends remember sweet little Mystic Village and it's inhabitants? How they were forced to leave their town behind after Hurricane Piper hit? And then came Sophie. Oh, sweet Sophie. I thought getting another dog would keep Miss P entertained and out of trouble. Are you laughing at me yet? It's ok, go ahead.

Just look at them here. They have no shame. These two totally comandeered Argus' Christmas present from his other Grandma. Thank God he doesn't really seem to mind. I'm sure he'd happily tell you that anything to keep them busy and out of his space works for him! Notice Sophie's prancing? She's quite proud that she stole it away from Piper just seconds before I took this shot. Then came Pipers revenge....the old headlock wrestling move, ya know. 

Until tomorrow... :)


[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Hounds Piper Sophie Thu, 05 Jan 2017 04:35:42 GMT
Day 3 ... Moon Love When you live in the Heartland there is no ocean shore to walk to clear your mind. No sound of crashing waves. No feel of swirling water wrapping around your ankles. There are no majestic mountains to leave you breathless in wonder, begging your soul to draw near.

But, there's always the sky with brilliant sunrises that make you anxious to awake early each morning, glorious sunsets full of unimaginable color, starry dark skies and moonlit nights. 

I'm drawn to the sky. I look up and feel the connection. I'm in awe. The moon and stars are a part of me. I am a part of them.

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) crescent moon Wed, 04 Jan 2017 05:16:48 GMT
Day 2 ... Does this mean I'm on a roll? ;)  I LOVE the Christmas season. I love Every. Single. Part. of it!!! I love the story of Christmas. I love Santa. I love Christmas music playing while powdered sugar from marshmallow making floats through the air. I love to bake and fill tin cans with goodies just like my momma did. But, most of all, I love decorating my house. I got that from my momma, too. For those of you who are my fb friends, just take a peek at my cover photo and that'll give you an idea! I had so much fun creating that scene. Some years I do more than others but, overall, I'd say I do quite a bit of decorating. I want my house to feel and look like it belongs in the pages of a children's Christmas book. And, when it's time to take it all down, I always feel a sense of sadness. But, yesterday and today, that's what I did. Took it all down. Yes, I'm always ready for the house to be back in order but I miss the feelings of wonder and enchantment that those decorations give to me when they're up. It brings back all the feelings I had as a child.  You know that saying "it warms my heart?" Christmas time does that for me. Sure, I feel the stress like everyone else: work, shopping, finances etc. but when I'm home, I want to "feel" Christmas and that's what I strive for when I decorate. 

So, as I said above, today was the day. I carefully and lovingly wrapped so many items. All of them laid out on the dining room table waiting for me to find just the right spot for them in a box. Some belonged to my mom, some came from my aunt, some were from friends. All of them neat and tidy in boxes now. Packed up, stacked up, then carried downstairs. Boxes of enchantment (sigh.) 

Until next year...



[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Christmastime Tue, 03 Jan 2017 05:43:17 GMT
Day 1 ... 364 more to go I've decided to take on another 365 day photography challenge. I did this (and succeeded at finishing) back in 2012-2013. I've attempted a couple other times but just didn't keep up. All of those can be found here on this blog if you'd like to check them out! Once again, my goal is to improve my photography skills along with blogging a year in my life. Some days may not have top quality photos (like today) but, my thought is this: Any day or anytime I pick up my camera, it makes me 'think photography' and therefore I learn, even if it's just some little something. And, from learning, I'll grow as a photographer. Today, well, it's been a day of tearing down the Christmas tree and I almost forgot I wanted to start this project. SOoo me! :/

But, anyway...let's get this party started!

You can just see the lack of excitement all over their faces. They're so underwhelmed with my idea of adorning them in New Year's party hats and such. I say I have some canine party 'poopers' on my hands. Believe me, for them, it's only a party if it's a wrestling match, they're tearing up some random item they're not supposed to have (ahem, like the Santa hat that just got chewed in two while I sit here blogging) or ravaging the yard. Let's just say it might be easier for me to name something they haven't tried to chew/eat rather than what they HAVE chewed and/or eaten...and survived. What can I say except think the Bumpus hounds from A Christmas Story, throw Marley (x2) in the mix and there ya have my furbabies! Trust me, I wouldn't lie. And, we're crazy in love with them in spite of it all. :)  

So, without further ado... Meet the hounds! The Divine Miss P (Piper) and Sophie (So-PHEE', as Harrison my grandson says it which is beyond cute, btw), aka Sophina and Josephina Dirt.

So, there they are in their finest New Year's party accessories. Happy New Years everyone!!!

Many of you know them well from my fb posts but this is their official blog introduction. Piper, my gorgeous beauty, the black Lab, is the reigning queen. She holds herself in the most regal stances even while chewing a shoe. Then there's Sophie, full of love and always appears to be smiling. She's our Aussie/Border Collie mix. We don't really know what she is but, she has enough Australian Sheperd in her for it be prominent in her looks. 

 Argus, (the Husky/Malamute mix) is our handsome grandpup. And well, he's just too damned well behaved for our rowdy crew! Too bad they don't pay attention and learn from his example.

Dream on, GiGi... (I do speak in third person sometimes when I blog.) 


[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Mon, 02 Jan 2017 05:54:55 GMT
2014, The Second Half  

Blogging again?... Yep.

Consistently? ... Not, but hopefully.

My motivation to blog and record the moments of my life, (and yours) comes from taking a photo walk down memory lane by looking through my 365daysofsnaphappy blog project.

CAN DO THIS. For me, and for you, too! I hope you enjoy what you see here on GiGi K's blog  ... Read on!

First, let me finish up 2014! I could start anew but, I have some special photo memories to document in this last post for 2014. Too special not to blog! Prior to this post my last blog date was the middle of May. I'm picking back up there and moving right on with a timeline of the photos I loved most from last year, 2014. Not just because there may be loved ones in some of them but, because these photos are some of my own personal favorites. Work I'm really proud of. 

 May 18th was a HUGE day in my daughter Roxanna's life! She graduated from K U with her degree in Film and Media Studies. I couldn't be prouder. With her boyfriend by her side, they walked the hill together and made quite the graduating pair! 


June, 2014

July, 2014

A very special month. Waiting for a new baby to arrive is always so exciting. But not always do Grandmas (GiGis) get invited to be there by their daughter in laws. I'm blessed to not only have the awesome daughter in law that was ok with me being there when the baby was born but actually wanted me there and wanted only me to document the birth with photos. What an honor. AND, it was my first home birth experience! What a day (sigh)... Thank goodness the "traffic Gods" were in my favor that morning and I made the 40+ mile drive from my home to theirs with thirty five minutes to spare before our little guy arrived! What an awesome day it was! :) 

August, 2014

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) KU graduation newborns / siblings the epitome of Summer Thu, 25 Sep 2014 01:00:00 GMT
Catching up .... A Belated Easter Day Post :) I can't get enough of Spring!

 But, this year I'm just not sure there will be enough of it. Cold weather just seems to keep worming it's way back in. Here we are, it's the middle of May and Mark was outside, early, early this morning showering off the plants in the garden to ensure any possible frost gets rinsed away before the sun rises. Bring on the steady temps of 70-80 degrees!  Is it really too much to ask?! Ahhh, (insert sigh) I'm somehow always reminded that Mother Nature has a mind of her own! :) 

It's been a super busy month and so many photos to share so let's just see if I can cut down on my "jabber" and get to the "good stuff" least I sure think so! I hope you do, too! Many of these photo's I've shared on my fb but I'm really thankful that I'm blogging them also. They will forever be logged into the diary of my life! And that's what this blog is! My life and maybe at some point, a little glimpse of yours if our paths should cross! And, I hope they do! 

I'll start with Easter! It was such a fun day! These precious little people are four of our grandbabies that we were lucky enough to see on that day!  I call this one...

"First Taste of Easter"


This little beauty has always been so patient with her GiGi. She's getting to the age where having her photo made all the time isn't so much fun but on Easter, she posed like the princess she is! I told her I needed to forever have a memory of her in that gorgeous dress her Momma bought for her to wear and if we took her picture then GiGi would always be able to see her in that dress. She just looked at me and smiled. She was sooo excited a couple of weeks later to find out that I had won 1st place at the monthly meeting of Northland Photography Club with the photo of her. The theme for May's meeting was "portraiture." I was honored and very excited myself! I titled it...

 "Bloomin Beauties"


This little guy was so happy when the REAL Easter Egg Hunt took place because earlier I had left some empty eggs laying around that I'd wanted to use just for photos and when he opened them, oh my, his little face did not look this happy. A few jelly beans and some chocolate, that's all it took to make him smile this big when he opened the eggs that had the good stuff in them!

"A Sixlet Kind of Happiness"

And, last but not least is my beauties little brother! Not so much a baby anymore but looking quite the fine gentlemen in his Easter suit! Too cute, but oh so sober! I could hardly get him to crack a smile with me until I started telling him we could probably find some trouble to get into together! That managed to bring a half smile to his face at one point! 

"A Dapper Dude"

Two of my gorgeous, grown up girls made the photo blog this time around, too!!! :) With so much activity going on that day, somehow I didn't manage to put the families together for photos but these are two of my favorite shots from the day, also. I caught my oldest daughter holding her nephew in such a tender candid, moment. What a special memory for her to have forever. For them both. AND, my daughter in law showing off our 7th grandbaby, due the first of August! :)

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sun, 18 May 2014 03:31:00 GMT
Babies, Blooms and Bunnies What an awesome time of year! Maybe the best of all the seasons! Springtime brings all forms of new life. Green grass reappears, flowers and trees are blooming, bird nests are being built and bunnies are hopping around everywhere!!! LIFE! Rebirth!  All of these things are happening around my house and I couldn't be happier that Spring has finally arrived. But, what could be better than a new baby!? How precious and sweet. A new tiny, little life. I hope you are as lucky as I am to have all this life blooming around you, too! Enjoy! Life Is Good! :)

I am honored to be called "Aunt" by this little guys mommy and I can't wait to watch him grow! His Grandma and I have been best friends for years. Three weeks ago I had the pleasure to photograph him at the hospital the day after he was born. His mommy and daddy couldn't be prouder!

Meet little Blake Owen. What a handsome, doll baby! ... I think "handsome" and "doll" go together just fine, don't you!? ;) 

And what would Springtime be without all the flowers beginning to bloom!? I love them all but just happen to have plenty of Daffodils to photograph in my own back yard. I think I need to plant Tulips and Crocuses, too! By the way, I looked up that plural form of Crocus, it's correct!

And last, but not least, we couldn't forget the Easter Bunny! I know, they're really just a rodent (sigh) but somethings are just sweet no matter how destructive they can be. Kind of like Dandelions...I don't mind those so much either. Not really. Think of them this way...they're a freebie from God! We don't even have to work for that little piece of sunshine! :) Happy Spring!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Tue, 15 Apr 2014 18:06:54 GMT
Sweet Robin? Think Again! I didn't get out this week to do any shooting and I really do miss it. I can't believe the week went by so quickly. We all say that, don't we. I guess I simply wasn't motivated enough. I can find beauty in all seasons and colors, but I have to say I'm just not a cold weather person and I'm very ready for the "browns" to go away, "greens" to reappear and flowers to bloom. Slowly, but surely it is happening!

Many of you know how much I LOVE my backyard birds and along with those greener, warmer days and blooming flowers I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of the birds that come along with it! But, in the meantime I'm still observing the year round residents and lately I've had some interesting behavior going on. For anyone that pays attention you know it's the time to start staking out territory and building nests. There's so much flitting, flying and chasing going on between the birds because it's the make babies! They're trying to entice and impress their mate. Or catch a mate! After speaking with a friend of mine who is very knowledgeable about birding, I believe all those things, along with the crazy, cold weather making it more difficult to find worms, are what's causing one particular female Robin to behave so poorly in my yard. If she were a child, let's just say she'd be in "time out" quite often! As I mentioned above, 'tis the season, so it is normal for them to fight amongst themselves at times but, she's been very aggressive. She pecks at and chases away ALL birds at the feeder, the ones on the ground around the feeder, at the bird bath and a couple of days ago when I went to put out food and water she even sat in the middle of the feeding tray, postured down and had a stand off with ME!!! Little stinker! I was nearly within 10 ft before she flew away only to land in a nearby pine tree and proceed to loudly fuss at me! Although I've seen her strut around the the perimeter of the feeder and the ground like a rooster, I am pretty certain it's a female because of the dull, faded colors she sports in comparison to other Robins in my yard. My husband and I have had a lot of fun and laughs watching her but I do hope she doesn't chase away my other birds.

Well, that's her story. Don't be fooled by her sweet, little "Robin looks." She's just scoping out who she wants to attack next!

Meet my bad ass Momma Robin!



[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Tue, 25 Mar 2014 15:35:52 GMT
2014 Snake Saturday Parade-The Spirit Lives On  Bright and beautiful, it couldn't have been a more perfect morning for the Snake Parade in North Kansas City! A tradition for 30 years now. A real family event and I had never been. In fact, in my 54 years I honestly couldn't tell you when it was that I last attended a parade. Possibly in my teens. You could feel the spirit of excitement in the air. The crowd was growing and the anticipation of floats, marching bands, clowns, horses, and Shriners riding mini bikes was growing right along with it. Everything you could want in a parade was about to happen, right before my eyes. I was sure of it!  This is one of the biggest St. Patrick's day celebrations in Kansas City! On a morning this perfect I'd already heard on the radio that over 100,000 people were expected to turn out for the parade! From the view I had of just a few blocks, I'm sure there were that many, if not more, stretched all around the surrounding blocks of North Kansas City.

From blocks away my husband heard them first and then, sure enough, so did I! The sirens! The parade had begun and several moments later the beginning of the parade passed by our corner. Kansas City's finest were leading the way! Police and Highway Patrol on motorcycles along with a NKCFD firetruck adorned with firefighters worthy of a calendar photo! ;)

Next came the first of some disappointments I wasn't expecting...Much different than the magical, parade memories of my childhood. The element of grandeur was certainly not there. I wasn't so inclined to photograph the two sullen looking, young girls carrying the Snake Saturday Parade banner. They appeared bored and tired after only a few blocks into the parade with no smiles, no waves to the crowd and no "parade attire" being worn. The same was to be said of two banner carriers who came shortly after. It dampened my excitement.

But, before I say more, here are some of things I enjoyed the most....

These wonderful Bagpipe players were a delightfully Irish part of the parade. I know there is a difference in the type of pipes played throughout Europe, and whether or not these are truly Irish I don't know, but they were amazing!


No parade would be complete without the presence of our American flag. My daddy was very proud of his service to our country during WWII and he instilled his pride and patriotism into me. I believe in what our flag stands for; Our freedom, and that freedom is never free. My husband and I fly the flag proudly at our own home, also. I know my dad would be proud to see that.


There were dogs in green tutus, bikers doing burnouts, proud smiling veterans, bicyclists in wigs, hats, argyle socks and skirts (that one in the middle :) that's not a kilt, it's a skirt, lolol) and local bands performing on flatbeds...these were the fun parts of the parade! 


But my favorite part of the parade had to be just people watching! I especially loved watching the children. They were so excited. Waiting for the parade to start. Waiting for the candy to be thrown. Just the same way I remember being. Here are a few shots that are my favorites from the day....You just can't beat the excitement of little children. You could see it and feel it everywhere. Especially cute were some of the little red heads celebrating St. Patrick's Day at the Snake Parade!


Then... the parade was over....and there were no Shriners on mini bikes. No convertibles with local or state beauty queens. Does a truck pulling a trailer with "Toddlers in Tiaras" and their stage moms count? I vote no. I saw one "float" that actually qualified as a float in my book. The rest were trucks, trailers and cars. Some with minimal efforts at displaying a decorative sign and others with nothing at all. Kansas City's not small and I only recall four high school marching bands. The Marching Cobras performed but had such a small amount of performers participating it was disappointing, to say the least. I saw two clowns. Two. Now, not being a huge clown fan, I didn't really mind but clowns are generally a big part of the street fun at parades, right? In the absence of Shriners there was one, lone, little, funny car driver. Maybe he had his face painted. I don't remember. One small group of horseback riders came through and some children riding ponies. These, what I call "traditional" parade participants could've easily fit into a one block span or less. In a parade this size, there was room for so much more. I should add there were other events going on also. A BBQ competition, a carnival area with rides and food, and more. But, I was there for the parade. That's the part I'd been looking forward to.

So yes, I was somewhat disappointed but I do hope that my photos show you some of the fun being had! I now realize, even at 54, that I could get excited over the thought of a simple parade and also be let down because I was hanging on to expectations of what I thought it should be from my childhood memories. So, where were all those elements I spoke of and remember? Maybe it's economics? Maybe people just don't think it's important? The "extras" don't really matter? It takes too much time? It's just not a priority in today's world? I really don't know but I do know that ALL things change and some things will never be the same again. Would I go to the parade again? Sure, I would, now armed with less expectations. But, I will always have my memories of parades from my past. And the little children I photographed? They'll never know "they way it was" and therefore, they will never miss or long for what I have memories of. These will be their special memories that they hold dear. Now, I officially sound like my parents. 



[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Fri, 21 Mar 2014 04:23:38 GMT
Day 366...The End Day 366
One final, extra post since last year was a leap year!
Thank you so much to EVERYONE who took their time to look through my posts
and encouraged me to keep going!!!
I had an amazing year with this photography challenge!
It's really turned more into a photo diary/blog of my life for the last year.
Capturing the photos in this blog,
I used my camera, occasionally my cell phone camera, 
available light and/or my flash.
 Although I never had access to any other external lighting sources 
I did my best with what I had available to me.
Every shot I took, no matter how insignificant the subject matter may seem,
I did put thought into 
the lighting, composition, exposure 
I know, without a doubt, I learned A LOT this past year about photography!
I also learned I have sooo much to learn! 
It wasn't as easy as you might think.
There were sooo many days (and I blogged it)where I was scrambling 
at the last minute, before midnight, to find something to photograph!
Only once did I let a day go by without actually taking any photos...May 21st
 and nearly that entire day was spent editing photos I'd taken of a friend and her fiance'. 
So, in my book, I was still in the photography mode that day,
just didn't "shoot" a photo on that day! 
One other day, December 4th, I took photos but accidentally formatted my memory card
before I'd uploaded the photos to my computer...
that was a sad, frustrating day for me!
Honestly though, I'm really proud of myself that I completed this journey
and I did accomplish my original goal when I started.
Picking up my camera on a daily basis forced me to "think" photography and
I do feel I'm much more knowledgeable and a better photographer than when I began!
I'm still excited about photography and want to keep on learning!
At times this past year seemed a bit like a whirlwind,
as fleeting as wispy clouds in the sky, 
but I learned so much and must remember,
the sky's the limit!!!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sun, 20 Jan 2013 21:30:00 GMT
Day 365...I DID IT!!! :) Day 365
What a fun way to spend my 365th day!
And what a gorgeous January day! Low 60's!!! 
A VERY quick, overnight trip to Branson (did a little shopping/sightseeing,) 
Copper Run Distillery (Moonshine Margaritas,) 
dinner at Lamberts (throwed rolls,)
and a stop at the good ole Bass Pro Shop in Springfield!
Fun day with some of the most awesome people I know!
Another happy day for me!
 Beautiful church on campus at the College of the Ozarks

 Mural of 1913 Branson depicted on a side alley in old downtown Branson
With a little modern day Branson looking down from above!

Love going into Dicks 5 & 10...could spend HOURS roaming through this place!

Me and my "besties" L to R Kathy, Denise, Me and Vickie
(camera set by me, shutter pressed by Mr. Bill Schaffer) ☺
 ♥ ♥ ♥

Well, I don't think you could call it a "hot tin roof" today...
but it was a beautiful, warm, 60ish degree day in the Ozarks! 
Certainly warm enough for me to enjoy my Shinerita out on the back deck at 
Copper Run Distillery! 
What a fun place, great atmosphere, and awesome music too!
[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sat, 19 Jan 2013 21:30:00 GMT
Day 364(5)...Sunrise Over The "Hood" Day 364
Well, today should've been my 365th post but...
You've heard that story already...(sigh) I'll sing!!!
♪..and now, the end is near...♪ ... lolol
A morning sunrise shot out the upstairs window 
of my computer/sewing/work room!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Fri, 18 Jan 2013 18:36:00 GMT
Day 363...My Space Day 363
Wow, I can't believe I only have 3 more days!
Yeah, it's three, not two... I forgot all about last year being a leap year!!
Must not forget that one extra day! ;) lol
I'm a day behind in counting also, (and I know it's only important to me,)
but after somehow letting one silly day go by without taking a single photo,
(May 21, 2012 to be exact :/)
I was so determined (back then, not now lolol) to make up that one day sooo...
I'm a day behind.
Oh well, so much for my obsessive, technical day counting.
As I doesn't really matter at all, it's only important to me!
This photo is of my little room.
As you can see, my ever faithful assistant, Orange Cat, 
is sitting there, waiting on me to sit down 
before she settles down on her stool next to me.
I've spent so many hours here over the last year.
Sitting in that chair, as I am now, editing and blogging..
I'm so glad I took on this project and even happier it's nearly complete!
I'm honestly not sure what I'll do with myself! lol

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Thu, 17 Jan 2013 21:50:00 GMT
Day 362...I Felt The Need! Day 362
I had the most awesome day today!
I was privileged to see my little peanut this afternoon!!!
Roxanna had her first sonogram and I was with her!
The little booger was moving like crazy! 
It was amazing to see that little life, literally no bigger than a peanut, moving around. 
We could even see it's little arms moving!!
So, that was the best part of my day!
After work I came home to a yummy dinner made by Mark and then.....
I felt the need for cookies.
That's it!
Had to have 'em!
And a few bites of cookie dough too!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Wed, 16 Jan 2013 21:36:00 GMT
Day 361...Do You See? Day 361
Do you see what I see?
I'm weird that way, I suppose.
I always see shapes in things.
Like the wood grain on doors,
tile floors, clouds, shadows, anything really!
These are a couple of photos from my neighbors wood pile!
I'll tell you what I you see it too?!
 I see the letter g...I see the profile of a lions head...I see a boot!

In this one I see a hand, I see two hands (one on top of the other,) 
No, I actually see three hands!
I see sad eyes.
I see a witch, arm stretched out casting a spell! 

What do you think?
[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Tue, 15 Jan 2013 12:11:00 GMT
Day 360...Peace Pup! Day 360
My sweet pup, Argus came to visit his PaPa and GiGi today!
Love my grand'pup'son!
Oh, btw, he didn't come alone...
His mom, Roxanna, brought him...
But I didn't get a photo of her....oops!
Grandbabies always get all the attention!
Even the canine ones!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Mon, 14 Jan 2013 19:56:00 GMT
Day 359...Thirsty Birdies Day 359
It was waaaay too cold to leave the house today like I thought I would.
I'd planned on being out and about looking for photo opportunities 
but it was just sooo cold! Period!!!
These shots were taken through my kitchen window.
I can't wait for a really good opportunity 
to go out and use my new lens!

 My pretty boy Cardinal!
House Finch looking down at the feeder...waiting to swoop in for his turn!
 I think this one is my favorite...the simple beauty of a Robin and Sparrow...♥

 I was spotted by the House Finch...I swear he saw me inside the window!!!

 My Blue Jay posing..."suck the tummy in and keep the chin up!"
 American Goldfinch wearing his finest winter colors!
Even the Starling doesn't look too bad in his winter wear!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sun, 13 Jan 2013 19:20:00 GMT
Day 358...Nightly Winter Routine Day 358
It's time for bed and the humidifier must be filled...
I can't sleep without it in these dry, winter months!
Goodnight all!!!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sat, 12 Jan 2013 21:30:00 GMT
Day 357...Holey Sky and Kitties! Day 357
Friday night shopping and time to scramble!
For a photo....
These last couple of weeks have been tough.
Tough when it comes to finding a worthwhile photo for the day, that is.
I'm almost to the end of this 365 day journey...
 and it seems to be getting tougher!!!
My Friday night shot of the last bit of light shining through a hole in the clouds.
Took this shot from Aldi's parking lot!
 And once again, my beautiful kitty cats!
 and Orange Cat

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Fri, 11 Jan 2013 21:30:00 GMT
Day 356...Awww, Nuts! Day 356
One of my favorite parts of Christmas is the memories 
from when I was a child of cracking and picking out the nuts! 
And oranges and apples in my stocking!
Why didn't I do that with my own children?
I'm sad I didn't.
I guess I just wanted to put something "fun" in their stockings.
I missed out of giving them the gift of that memory.
I haven't specifically had fruit or nuts for Christmas in years but
one of my clients gave me a gift basket full of them this year!!
Yummy! It really was an awesome gift.
A gift of memories!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Thu, 10 Jan 2013 21:30:00 GMT
Day 355...Turn Back Time Day 355
If only we could turn back time.
Sometimes, I would love more than anything to do that.
Wouldn't we all, I suppose.
The pocket watch belonged to Marks Grandpa.
I've heard him say so many times how he wishes he could spend time with him again.
And the key chain?
It's the only thing Mark kept when he sold his '67 Chevelle several years ago.
I know he wishes he could turn back time for love, and a little fun too.

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Wed, 09 Jan 2013 21:30:00 GMT
Day 354...Cirlcle Play Again! Day 354
Took a few random photos around the kitchen with the intent to turn them into
They're really not so "amazing" but sure are fun!
 the microwave keypad!!!
 a tin container stamped with flowers!
a plaid lampshade!
[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Tue, 08 Jan 2013 17:50:00 GMT
Day 353...Shutterbug Magazine! Day 353
I'd almost forgotten it was coming!
Thank you so much, Paul Haskins!
A few months ago a photo club friend of mine (Paul)
signed me up with one of his magazines renewal special offers  
that go out to subscribers...
What a fun, little surprise when it came in today's mail!
Thanks again, Paul!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Mon, 07 Jan 2013 19:38:00 GMT
Day 352...A Doggie, A Kitty & Birdies Day 352
My cold's got the better of me today.
I didn't feel like leaving the house to find a photo op.
Of course, sometimes I don't leave the house 
even when I do feel good ... so there ya have
This is it! :)

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sun, 06 Jan 2013 21:30:00 GMT
Day 351...Cold Winter's Sky Day 351
I was going for a cold feel on this one.
I felt crummy and didn't leave the house today.
I took this shot out my kitchen window.  
I've been cold all day.
I have a cold.
The house felt cold.
It looks cold, too.
Christmas decorations are all down.

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sat, 05 Jan 2013 21:30:00 GMT
Day 350...Pizza Shoppe! Day 350
Pizza Shoppe for dinner!
Their pizza is amazing but first comes their yummy salad 
with the "pink stuff" dressing!
My cell phone shot does NOT do it justice!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Fri, 04 Jan 2013 21:30:00 GMT
Day 349...My Momma's Birthday! Day 349
Today is my Mom's 85th birthday!
Happy Birthday, Mom!
I love you very much!!!
 Opening her gift from me.

 Mom wanted a close up with all her necklaces..
She said, "it's my birthday! I'll wear them all!"

 She wanted Pineapple upside down cake! She got it! 
They are sooo good to Momma at Evergreen! Thank you...ALL of you!!!
 Her friends came to her room and sang happy birthday!! ♥
They made her Mac-n-cheese, as she requested...
(she told me she'd asked for homemade, not Kraft...they made it!)
and yes, photos are in chronological order...
she ate dessert first and lunch last!!! :)
[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Thu, 03 Jan 2013 21:30:00 GMT
Day 348...Back To Work...Again!!! Day 348
A man's work on his vehicle restoration is never done...
I do believe this is true!
I can't tell you how many times I've heard "it's done!"
Hmmm, I think it must kind of be like my desire for photography equipment.
When you think you've got what you want and need....
NOPE, there's always more "good stuff" to purchase!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Wed, 02 Jan 2013 21:30:00 GMT
Day 347...Cat Napping Day 347
I know how this kitty feels...
The same, exact way I feel, when I fall asleep
all snug and warm in my recliner! 
I'm all caught up on blogging now so 
I think I'll go have a cat nap too! :)
 Maybe she partied too much last night for New Years?
I wouldn't know 'cause I was fast asleep!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Tue, 01 Jan 2013 12:57:00 GMT
Day 346...New Years Eve Dusting Day 346
Well, our meager forecast for 2-4 inches of snow
turned out to be even less...really, maybe an inch...
not much more than just a dusting.
It was such a nice day to have a snow storm because 
I WAS HOME and didn't have to go anywhere! 
I'm sure we'll have a big one on one of my busiest workdays!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Mon, 31 Dec 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 345...Our Day With Max! :) Day 345
We got to spend a very special day today with our little grandson Max!
What a doll!
See for yourself!
I'm so happy I have at least one post in this 365 days
with each one of our grandchildren!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sun, 30 Dec 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 344...Saturday Sliders Day 344
Work and on the road to St. Charles to see Max!
My cell phone served me well for my Saturday photos!
 A quick stop in Columbia so Mark could get his "fix"

 then on to St. Charles and check-in!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sat, 29 Dec 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 343...A Self-Portrait...(kind of) Day 343
A little playtime behind/infront of the camera!
Behind the camera is where I feel most comfortable so
this is it for self-portraiture!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Fri, 28 Dec 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 342...My Kitties! :) Day 342
My baby kitty girls...

 Orange Cat

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Thu, 27 Dec 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 341...Abby And The Pups :) Day 341
It's the day after Christmas and the
doggies want some Christmas leftovers, too!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Wed, 26 Dec 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 340...Waiting For Santa Day 340
Just past midnight, it's Christmas Day now!
The magic is always there...
Even for Meadow baby...
she's waiting for Santa! :)
Merry Christmas and many blessings, 
From The Kane house to yours!
My sweet Meadow wanted to stay up so she could see Santa!

 Gotta love Mark's idea to turn on the Yule log channel for the photo op!!! :)

My crooked, but pretty tree! :/

Many hours later, after Santa's arrival, a yummy Christmas dinner 
and opening all the packages, 
I corralled and coerced our gorgeous kids and granbabies
 and managed to catch a photo!
Wishing our other grandbabies could've been in this photo, too 
but we did get to see them this Christmas season also! 
I'm a very happy and very blessed GiGi! :)

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Tue, 25 Dec 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 339...Christmas Eve With Mom :) Day 339
Christmas is here once again!
What a special, beautiful time of year.
My Mom loves Christmas! 
I love you, Momma!
All the kids kind of showed up at different times this year throughout the day.
Wish we could've all been there together but 
 Kaley, Abby and Birdie showed up to see their Grandma while Mark and I were there!
 Kaley, Mom (Thelma) and Abby

♥ Me and my sweet Momma! ♥

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Mon, 24 Dec 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 338...A Haunted Christmas Day 338
So, here it is!
The eerie, vacant and abandoned old home 
that I photographed much earlier in my 365 day challenge.
As I mentioned in that first post, 
it always has a tree in the window during the Christmas season.
I thought it wasn't going to happen this year though.
The tree finally just appeared this week.
And, this is the first year the tree has been in the upstairs window.
The old, gnarly cedar tree in the front yard has now been taken down, too.
I loved that old tree. It just added to the haunted feel!

Here's my first photo from several months back on Day 41, 2/29/12
[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sun, 23 Dec 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 337...The Tree (again) Day 337
Still trying to get a nice shot of the tree!
Hmmm, The tree definitely needed more ornaments...
and I'm thinking those useless things we call "bows"
on my packages may've also made the photo more attractive.
Oh well, I don't do bows.
The cheap ones aren't attractive and therefore not worth it.
And making pretty bows is too much work!
I'm lucky to get everything wrapped!!! :)

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sat, 22 Dec 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 336...Long. Drive. Home. Day 336
Today,  while driving home to Liberty from Overland Park,
I saw things that I usually never notice while making this drive.
That's because normally I would be driving fast on the highway,
(going the speed limit, of course,) and paying attention to all the speeding traffic,
which wouldn't allow for much "sightseeing," so to speak.
Well, not today!
To clarify, yes, I was paying attention but you can really see quite a bit 
while rolling along at racing speeds of 5 to 10 mph.
I think everyone in the KC metro area was off work early and out on the roads.
I didn't see one accident that should have caused such a back up in traffic.
It was awful.
Driving at such slow speeds and sometimes even at a stop,
I was able to take this pic with my cell phone .
A very nice sight to see such a pretty sunset behind me while headed North on I-35.
An hour and a half after pulling away from the salon in Overland Park
I finally arrived home.

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Fri, 21 Dec 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 335...Grateful Birdies Day 335
I'm so glad we finally got around to purchasing a bird bath defroster.
We have so many more birds than I've ever seen before in the winter.
They literally just sit there and drink, and drink, and drink some more.
It makes me sad to think they can't find water.
I hope they tell all their "facebook friends"... :)

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Thu, 20 Dec 2012 14:15:00 GMT
Day 334...Batch #4? Day 334
Or maybe it's #5 
I've lost count already!
Been up to my elbows in powdered sugar these days!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Wed, 19 Dec 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 333...Favorites! Day 333
♪ ...these are a few of my favorite things... ♪
Along with whiskers on kittens and
all that other good stuff!
:) the way...this is the best Egg Nog I've ever had!!!
Why am I not surprised!? :)
[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Tue, 18 Dec 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 332...My Day Day 332
Today was a fun and busy day spent with my Abby girl!
Orthodontist check up, shopping, lunch and then home 
to do hair and bake/make some Christmas goodies!
Fun day together! 
Makes my heart a happy one!
My day :)

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Mon, 17 Dec 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 331...Late Night Scramble Day 331
I spent the day decorating my house for Christmas 
and this evening after dinner, finishing up!
(I've been sooo behind this year) :/, 
Then I sat watching movies with Abby!
It's been so long since we've done that! I loved it!
Even though she fell asleep! :)
I lost track of time and it was 11:45 pm
 before I remembered I needed a photo.
This photo was the result of my late night scramble.
Not well planned out but hey,
once again I find myself saying...
at least I took a photo!!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sun, 16 Dec 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 330...My Friends Tree
Day 330
My friend Vickie's tree looked so festive and beautiful with all the gifts under it!
It asked me to take it's picture! :)

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sat, 15 Dec 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 329...Gift Bag Santa... :) Day 329
A cheery little Santa face...
Straight from the gift bag, through my cell phone, to this blog!
Photo of the day! :)

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Fri, 14 Dec 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 328...Meteor Shower Day 328
Tonight Mark and I went up North of Polo, MO
with some neighbors to watch the meteor shower.
I took my camera in hopes of getting a starry night shot
but that turned out to be a BIG bust.
So much for that but we did see the most amazing meteor ever!!! 
I'm sure it was a once in a lifetime sighting.
It was so very close. It had to of been within our atmosphere.
We could clearly see that it had measurable size, a blue/green glowing head and 
orange glowing was unbelievable! 
I'm so glad I got to see something that awesome!
But...this was what my night sky photo attempt came out to be...
Oh well, another time! 

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Thu, 13 Dec 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 327...Turning Over Day 327
Today while rolling up to a stop sign I noticed my odometer was at 99,999
By the time I got stopped, it had turned over!
She's sure a good car...hope she stays that way.
Poor girl gets at least 80 miles a day minimum,
sometimes closer to 100.

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Wed, 12 Dec 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 326...A Peppermint Plunge! Day 326
Ron was sooo happy to be back for the Christmas season!
He jumped right in his peppermint pool to relax after 
his long journey from the North Pole!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Tue, 11 Dec 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 325...Where's Da Baby? Day 325
Yes, there is a sweet, cute and cuddly little guy inside that penguin hat!
What a doll. And such a good boy too! 
He slept the entire time while his mommy got her hair done!
GiGi sure loves her babies!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Mon, 10 Dec 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 324...He's Back Day 324
He's back.
And he finally has a name.
He went through the entire season last year without one.
Meet Ron...Ron Swanson. 
And he wants OUT of this box!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sun, 09 Dec 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 323...My Tree Day 323
First, Happy Birthday, Michael...I love ya, Bud! :)
Got my tree up today!
I wasn't sure it would ever get done this year.
But it did!
Still needs some finishing touches.
Somethings missing and I can't put my finger on it!
Hmmm...I see another tree photo somewhere in the near future.
When I get it the way I think it should be! :)

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sat, 08 Dec 2012 21:39:00 GMT
Day 322...Bob's Day 322
Three words...
These. Are. GOOD.
Yes indeed!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Fri, 07 Dec 2012 21:35:00 GMT
Day 321...Little Tree, Oh Little Tree Day 321
Christmas tree photo from Photographx Unlimited!
A last minute, cell phone photo taken after clean up from our club Christmas party.
Between work and set up for the party...this was it for the day! 
It was a great day, and a fun party! 

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Thu, 06 Dec 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 320... Squaw Creek Day 319
What a beautiful day!
A little windy and cool...but beautiful!
Mark was able to go on a photography field trip today with me!
So much fun, time spent together and photography friends too!
Happy camper, that's me!
These are my favorites from the afternoon at Squaw Creek!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Wed, 05 Dec 2012 21:50:00 GMT
Day 319...So Frustrated...:( Day 319
My story of the day!
Sooo...this evening, I formatted the memory card in my camera preparing for
a photography club field trip tomorrow...BUT
I had NOT yet uploaded my photo for the day today...
Sad, so sad...unless I can find a photo on my cell phone camera that I took today,
there will be no "photo of the day"...
It will be two days in the last 320 days that I don't have a photo to post.
Except this time, I DID have a photo...
just didn't pay enough attention to the card before I formatted!
errrrr....super frustrated with myself!!!

OK...I looked at my cell phone gallery...
Here's my boy this morning, watchin' his 'toons!
Geeez...the results of delayed posting and a bad memory have reared their ugly heads...
I'm NOT removing this cute, adorable photo of Jax but I just realized this photo was actually taken on Monday...not Tuesday...So photo of the day for today's post. :( 
Oh well.... :/
[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Tue, 04 Dec 2012 21:54:00 GMT
Day 318...More Lights Day 318
Christmas lights at Belvoir Winery

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Mon, 03 Dec 2012 21:38:00 GMT
Day 317...Recipe of Memories Day 317
Delicious, loving memories!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sun, 02 Dec 2012 21:28:00 GMT
Day 316...Not My House Day 316
Pretty as a picture.
I don't normally like when people only decorate their shrubs but not the house
This case is the exception.
I've always loved the way my neighbors light these shrubs.
I think it's beautiful!!!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sat, 01 Dec 2012 21:29:00 GMT
Day 315...Low Lighting It Day 315
Playing around some more with low lighting...
seeing what I can come up with.
Needing some help, I think.
 "ehhh" on the candlelight..I'll keep trying.
Hmmm, I think I need different candles, right? :)

seriously, I see "attitude" in these faces!
[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Fri, 30 Nov 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 314...Christmas Kisses! Day 314
Christmas Kisses! 
Not sure these kisses will make it long enough to put on top of cookies!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Thu, 29 Nov 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 313...Hands Down, The Best, Ever! Day 313
As I was sitting, eating, and enjoying this wonderful,
 homemade Chex Mix snack I had my light bulb moment for the day!
Yes, I must pay tribute to best Chex Mix that's ever crossed my lips!
TA DA!!! Chex Mix photo of the day!!!
There is nothing quite as yummy to the tummy as
when I get to devour some of Sally's very special recipe!
Made by Sally, of course...not me.
I have yet to even try and duplicate this one.
She has it down...hands down...
Thank you, Sally! 

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Wed, 28 Nov 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 312...The Plaza Lights 2012 Day 312
What a fun day! 
Friends and photography! :)
What more could a girl ask for?
I had an awesome day!

 at sunset

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Tue, 27 Nov 2012 21:49:00 GMT
Day 311...First Fallen Snow Day 311
Today, November 26, 2012 the first snow fell in Liberty, MO.
Yes, it's very pretty...
And now I've seen snow this season,
I wish... :/

a Winter sky after the first snow
[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Mon, 26 Nov 2012 17:15:00 GMT
Day 310...Christmas Lights Day 310
 Capturing the beauty of Christmas lights takes a bit of practice.
And so I begin my practice with my neighbors house!
Good job Merrie Pat!
two different camera settings

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sun, 25 Nov 2012 20:21:00 GMT
Day 309...Tree Top View Day 309
Today while washing the upstairs windows I decided to take my photo of the day!
My second floor view from my computer room.
A treetop view.

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sat, 24 Nov 2012 20:07:00 GMT
Day 308...Very Thankful Day 308
Today, I am VERY thankful I took a photo with my cell phone...
'nuff said
Bad Dog, Bad Cat...again, 'nuff said!
Love my babies though!
[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Fri, 23 Nov 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 307...Abby's Birthday!!! (Thanksgiving Day) Day 307
Once again I managed to hardly have my camera in my hands on an important day!
Abby's 19th birthday which also happens to be 
Thanksgiving Day...
I did catch a couple of shots of the table and cake, early in the morning 
when the house was quiet and calm...
but only a cell phone shot of the birthday girl blowing out her candles later in the day...
 *thought for the day*
~You might be a redneck if
your birthday photo is taken with a bottle of wine AND
a bottle of moonshine in the foreground...~
(not to mention, courtesy of Kaley, the array of candles and duck on your cake too)
Just sayin', Abby!
I love you Shabby! 

Thankful for my Abby :) and ALL my kids and family!!!
Morning coffee and cinnamon rolls!
hahaha...not that I really needed to have my name on these ....lolol (batch processing!)

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Thu, 22 Nov 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 306...Time to Cook! Day 306
Thanksgiving Eve
Probably like most people, the cooking began this evening at my house!
Surely the prettiest pie crust I've ever made!
Now that's something to get excited about... ;) lolol

and then there's the not so perfectly, pretty turkey...
but soooo delicious! 

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Wed, 21 Nov 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 305...Sayings Day 305
I've always loved this particular saying
How much more simple could it be?
Just do it...
Live, Laugh, and Love

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Tue, 20 Nov 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 304...Monday, Monday Day 304
There's beauty all around ...just look!
 after a couple of hard freezes, it's time to say goodbye...till next year

Winter berries for the birdies!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Mon, 19 Nov 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 303...Snacks with PaPa Day 303
A photo shoot with a beautiful family this afternoon 
and then met up with my kids to pick me up some Boogs! :)
He's definitely warming up to his PaPa these days
He knows the drill now...
"I'll sit in this chair and my PaPa will give me Sweettarts and crackers...
I'm working my way up to sitting on his lap!"

a very sweet family photo shoot today

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sun, 18 Nov 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 302...Girlfriends Day 302
Couldn't make it through without true friends.
Wouldn't want to! 
 L to R Kathy, Vickie, Me and Denise! :) The most accurate definition of "girlfriends!"

 Kathy and her baby Lily

Lily Schaffer :)
[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sat, 17 Nov 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 301...A Gift Day 301
Happy Birthday, Vickie! 
Hope you had an AMAZING day! Love ya!
Preparing for a night out tomorrow evening with the girls!
Can't wait!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Fri, 16 Nov 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 300...YAAAAY!... DAY 300 Day 300
Wow, I can't believe I'm officially in the 300's
I'm sooo proud of myself! :)
What better subject than my loyal assistant, Orange Cat.
Although, today she was officially crowned
Mighty Cat, Mouse Catcher!!! 
Good girl, Orange Cat.
She looks rather pleased with herself, doesn't she!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Thu, 15 Nov 2012 21:02:00 GMT
Day 299...A New Project Day 299
A customer taught me how to make these scarfs...
We shall see! 
Me and knitting needles could be a very scary combination! 

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Wed, 14 Nov 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 298...Belvoir Winery Day 298
It's been a great time having our photos on display at Belvoir Winery.
What a great opportunity for Northland Photography Club! 
Some of us met there today to take down our display of photos, 
share some fun time together and get a lesson in light metering!
It was a great afternoon! 
Here's a couple of photos I took while there today.
 beyond the "pane," there is beauty

meet George...yes, he's Oddfellow (literally) who donated his body to science. 
His skeleton was returned to the Oddfellows organization after the studies were complete....
I'm not sure of the rest of the story...
I should've paid better attention when I took the winery tour last Fall....
or at least read the story on the wall!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Tue, 13 Nov 2012 20:11:00 GMT
Day 297...My Very Own Roomba Day 297

Just call him Roomba, Dust mop or Swiffer...:)
His Mommy and Daddy will either croak or laugh
when they see how effective he can be at house cleaning...
Here's the scientific process to dusting your hard wood floors...
Ingredients needed
Toddler + black, athletic pants (made of nylon material) + static electricity =
Your very own personal dust mop/Roomba!!!
Turn 'em loose and watch the animal hair, dust bunnies
 disappear from your floors!
By the way, I did give him the once over with the lint roller! 
Thank goodness for lint rollers!
What a need to say more... :)
 watch 'toons a little...

read a little. 

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Mon, 12 Nov 2012 12:05:00 GMT
Day 296...A Blank Slate Day 296
As I started working on yesterdays post some thoughts came to mind...
Every day's a new day.
We can start over.
We can move on from yesterday.
We can make today and all our tomorrows better than ever.
We wake up each day with a blank slate.
We need to take great care in what we write on our slate.
Be kind, be tender, love strong 
and try our best to understand others.
When necessary...kick butt!
~Gayle Kane
a blank slate

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sun, 11 Nov 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 295...My Front Yard Day 295
I'm finally drawing near to the end of my 365 challenge and
I have so many more thoughts about it than I ever imagined.
I know when the final day is here, 
I am going to sit and write one entire blog about my journey.
I've expressed frustration more than once, (to say the least) 
about hunting for daily photo's at the last minute.
Sometimes, there's really no denying
it's just hard to fit more things into any given day!
I had such hopes of capturing something worthwhile everyday...
But, one thing I tend to forget is this.
When I started this challenge, a new friend to me,   
who is a wonderful photographer, told me something...
The following is paraphrased
~It's about picking your camera up everyday
which forces you to "think" about photography, everyday,
not just occasionally.
Your lighting, settings, composition, your subject.
You're thinking photography EVERYDAY! 
And you learn from it!~
No one ever said it had to be a daily masterpiece, right?! I'm learning!
the evil gumballs...

My street in HDR
[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sat, 10 Nov 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 294...Tripod and Remote Trigger Practice Day 294
I got my remote shutter trigger in the mail today.
Set my tripod up in the living room with one very soft lit lamp on in a corner.
This is what I got...

I'm really anxious to use them both under more exciting,
challenging and rewarding conditions

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Fri, 09 Nov 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 293...Drink Up Day 293
Well, the excitement at my house this evening was how many times could I sneeze in a row,
how many Kleenex's would I go through ...
and most exciting of all was my nightcap..
Oh boy, I'm livin' on the wild side ... :/
My drink of choice this evening...Airborne
[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Thu, 08 Nov 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 292...Continual Beauty Day 292
This year I had some of the most beautiful Kale ever in my garden.
Kale is always pretty but I have to say, this year it's been spectacular!
Good lighting, poor lighting, sunny days, cloudy days...
it doesn't matter....
it's just pretty!
Here's to my last shot of Kale...well, maybe not
OH, by the way...I didn't use any added saturation or vibrance in post editing...
I did bump up the exposure just a bit because I took this photo just past dusk
 and the lighting wasn't the greatest... + exposure, that's it!
It's just sooo beautiful all on it's own! I love it!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Wed, 07 Nov 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 291...Election Day Day 291
Presidential election day.
I did my part.
I voted.
I voted for love of my country.
I voted for freedom and liberty.
I voted for what I believe is right for America.
It's what we all want, we just believe a different road will get us there.
We each have the same passion for our stance.
That's what I've found most interesting the last couple of months.
We all have the same passion and can't understand the other side having that passion.
After voting we took a drive to Smithville Lake,
had a delicious Tenderloin sandwich for lunch
at Lowman's Cafe in Smithville then headed on up to Weston...
What a beautiful day to spend together with Mark!
 Our voting location

Mark, enjoying the view
the mighty, muddy, mo

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Tue, 06 Nov 2012 14:12:00 GMT
Day 290...Jax ... aka "Boogs" Day 290
GiGi's little peanut butter sandwich eatin' Boogs...
Even a little smeared pb on the cheeks can't take away from this kinda C.U.T.E
Jax, that is!
As soon as I picked up my camera...
he wouldn't look at me for NOTHIN'!!!
lil stinker ... :)

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Mon, 05 Nov 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 289...Our Hunting Grounds Day 289
Today I went to my brothers farm to visit some family from out of town.
I have too many family members out of town!
It's always good to see them but saddens me that we don't live closer.
I was raised far away from many people I love dearly.
I've always treasured the times we've been able to share.
Although, most of those times, have been few and far between.
My family is spread from one coast to another...
I miss you all more than you know!
These photos are just a short hour of time spent together, having fun! 
Now, a memory...
 dainty little wild berries

 Our hunting spot...
we are some seriously, fierce deer hunters, ya know :)

gnarly old Sycamore
[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sun, 04 Nov 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 288...Hanging On Day 288
As I was about to leave my house to spend a fun evening with my girlfriends from work
I remembered I had no photo of the day...
Geez, this story is 288 days old and like the worst broken record EVER...
Or like that movie, Groundhog Day!!!
OMG, remember that one?
The most annoying movie ever!
I'm determined to finish this personal challenge, and I will,
but I will be glad when it's complete.
The past week or so has been especially weak when it comes to providing a photo of any significance.
Many photo's may've not been significant to the eye of the beholder 
(when it came to the subject in the photo) 
I put thought, and time, and effort into each and every one of them, 
thinking about my camera settings, lighting, composition, and post processing too.
I just feel like more recently it's been difficult to stay motivated.
I will be glad when these 365 days are done!!!

One thing I can say about this challenge is this...
My garden has been there for me...never letting me down.
These sweet little Missouri wildflowers are hanging on tight...just for me,
providing a spot of sunshine when I know all too well the long, looming days of Winter are ahead.
Making it through a frost or two, thinned out a bit...
 but the strong hold on tightly to the dream of a warm Spring days sunshine once again.
 With their lingering color and presence, the span of time until each and every bloom 
is full of color and life once more is shortened...
This is my happy thought!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sat, 03 Nov 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 287...Searching Out Day 287
On our way to do some Friday evening shopping we drove out by the new Mormon Temple,
looking for a nice view. Not exactly what I was hoping for but it worked for a daily photo.
 taken within a couple of minutes of each other...
it's amazing what you can do with your camera settings!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Fri, 02 Nov 2012 20:30:00 GMT
Day 286...Photo Club Day 286
Half way through the meeting is break time!
A time to view and vote for our favorite photo in the monthly photo challenge!
Also time to visit and catch up with the folks we see just once a month!
Snacks too!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Thu, 01 Nov 2012 20:30:00 GMT
Day 285...Halloween Sky Day 285
Just another one of those days when I wish I was viewing this
beautiful sky and sunset from some exotic, gorgeous location...
instead of Price Choppers parking lot... :/
Here's what the Halloween sky looked like at sunset near my house!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Wed, 31 Oct 2012 20:30:00 GMT
Day 284...A New "Pumpkin" Day 284
GiGi's newest pumpkin!
Pumpkins just don't come any cuter than the ones I have! 

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Tue, 30 Oct 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 283...A Few Days Early Day 283
Getting ready for Halloween! 
Took this one of a decoration at my house..
Once again, a late night quick "snapshot"...
but I think it turned out to be a fun little photo!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Mon, 29 Oct 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 282...I'll Claim 'Em! :) Day 282
Back in Lawrence to drop Abby off and pick up our little Jax man.
Took a few pics too! :)
Here's my fav of the day!
[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sun, 28 Oct 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 281...Ghost Hunting :) Day 281
Today Mark and I picked up Abby in Lawrence, 
had a yummy burger and fries at Freddy's
and headed on North to Holton, KS.
We had a great time at the paranormal investigation although
it was a really quiet night.
Not much happened. 
Can't wait to go again sometime!
This is where we stayed and was also one of the locations we investigated!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sat, 27 Oct 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 280... A Carwash Day 280
The past few days have been busy and it always shows in my daily photos
They get rather pitiful...but hey...
I'm hanging in there!!! :)
A ride through the Green Lantern car wash late this evening 
proved to be the best photo opp I'd had all day.
Now you know how exciting my day was...not.
Every part of today included some washing, rinsing and blow drying! lol
sometimes I'm just too funny, huh...(or too tired)
 the wash
 the rinse
the blow dry
[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Fri, 26 Oct 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 279...Sweet Snack :) Day 279
One of my favorite sweets...mmm
Chocolate covered raisins!!!
Yummy and fresh from the Amish store in Jamesport!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Thu, 25 Oct 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 278...Our Only Child Day 278
My baby Meadow....again...:)
I love her and she couldn't be any prettier for the perfect pet photo!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Wed, 24 Oct 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 277...A Mark and Gayle Adventure :) Day 277
A day off and day trip with Mark...
It's always an adventure 
What a beautiful day!
Love it!
On our way to Jamesport to pick up some chairs we had on order
we stopped off at some acreage that one of our neighbors takes care of.
So beautiful...wish I had a house in the middle of this!
 Headed in...
 view from the pond dam
 standing on the pond dam

 view looking back as we were leaving...
 Headed out
Moving on to Jamesport...
My favorite tree(s)...the two became one!
[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Tue, 23 Oct 2012 20:04:00 GMT
Day 276...Late Bloomers Day 276
The peppers and Castor Bean plant have both done so well 
since the weather cooled down...
They are thriving...but not for long, I'm sure.

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Mon, 22 Oct 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 275...My Babies :) Day 275
Sunday was one of the best days I've had in a long time...:)
It does a mom (and GiGi) good to have all her kiddos together...
Mark and I always feel extra blessed when every one's schedule works out 
and all the kids can be here at the same time!! 
That's a major accomplishment around here!! We love it!
No family photos were taken...Just a few, fun snapshots of the grandbabies!
Hopefully I'll be able to get a group shot with the holidays coming up!
☺... my boy and his boy...☺

 Two of GiGi's monsters... ☺

 Cousin photo...some more willing than another...

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sun, 21 Oct 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 274...Fire In The Sky
Day 274
Almost missed this beautiful sunset.
What an opportunity!
It could've been better if only I'd glanced out my friends window a few minutes earlier.
But I still like the effect of the burning sunset through the trees...
Not too bad for an "in the city, neighborhood view."
And it saved me from yet another late night, last minute scramble. 

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sat, 20 Oct 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 273...Reading Material Day 273
While roaming my house on a last minute hunt for a daily photo,
this little stack of books caught my eye...
Fun reading here at the Kane house!
See that crease in the binding of the Katy Trail Guidebook?
It's been read a lot! 
Of course, we have lots of intellectual reading material too...

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Fri, 19 Oct 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 272...Evolution of Seasons Day 272
It's really nothing special.
Mostly a photo I pulled to the side of the road for, 
simply to capture a photo for the day...
But as I was sitting at the computer, going through the photos I shot this morning
 I decided I really do kind of like this one.
It's growing on me.
I like the way it shows the bit of barren corn field, plowed,
that sweet taste of Summer now behind us.
I like the brilliant green grass growing along the roadside,
a sign that life will prevail even after the horrible drought this past year.
I like the barren tree that's lost all it's leaves,
 representing the fact that Winter IS coming, whether we like it or not.
And I LOVE the splash of beautiful Fall color,
fading, but nonetheless beautiful.
The road? 
Where will it take you?
Maybe on to Spring!!!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Thu, 18 Oct 2012 20:57:00 GMT
Day 271...Coffee Break Day 271
Most everyone that knows me knows I'm really a coffee lightweight...
I didn't start drinking it till I was over 40 
and I only like it "doctored up"...:)
Only thing missing from this photo is a bag of Dunkin' Donut's brand coffee.
That's my brand of choice along with my wonderful 
Bunn coffeemaker that my mom got me spoiled with
AND with my Hills Bros Cappuccino which I use for creamer.
(also my moms fault)
God, I love her! :)
Thanks, Momma!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Wed, 17 Oct 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 270...Pear Honey Day 270
Made Pear Honey today!
Thank you, Julie N. for the wonderful pears!
There's some Pear Honey in your near future! :)

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Tue, 16 Oct 2012 20:33:00 GMT
Day 269...A Walk With GiGi (and more!) Day 269
Took a little walk around the neighborhood with my little man, Jax...
GiGi needed a "fix"
H.A.P.P.Y. (that's me)

 Virginia Creeper climbing the backyard Sycamore tree

 Time for my little toad stools to come inside till next year! 

 I see you inside that house with that, let me hop up here so you can get a better shot... :)
I sure wish these shots hadn't been through the screen!

Danger, danger...poison ivy is lurking about everywhere and sure looks pretty this time of year.
looks almost like it was planted as an edging...

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Mon, 15 Oct 2012 21:55:00 GMT
Day 268...Fall "Shower" Day 268
What a beautiful day!
I just love being able to say that!
Yesterdays rain is gone and the sun is shining...

♪...sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy...♪

My friend Brandi's wedding shower was today! Fun times with it!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sun, 14 Oct 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 267...Rainy Day, Saturday Day 267
What a glorious rainy day!
We still need the rain so desperately.
Thank you, God, for the rain and the beautiful
 Fall season we are having in spite of the Summer drought.

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sat, 13 Oct 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 266...Friday Day 266
It's a Friday...
nothing else to say 'cept...
Here's a photo of my cat and dog...
just one of those days... :)
 Orange Cat looking at my camera strap dangling by my side...
Meadow looking at Orange Cat thinking
"one of these days Mom's gonna let me eat you!!!"...lolol

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Fri, 12 Oct 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 265...Baby Boy Named Day 265
Our new precious addition to the family now has a name...
may I introduce (insert drum roll)
Elan Antonio Martinez
and this would be GiGi's favorite photo of the day...:)


[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Thu, 11 Oct 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 264...He's Here! Day 264
As of my bedtime, which is now, baby boy Martinez has yet to be named...
Well, he may be, but not that I'm aware of yet...
No matter, he's adorable with or without a name! :)
Weighing in at 7 lbs. 13 oz. and measuring 21 inches long
He's pretty darn perfect! :)
about three hours old

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Wed, 10 Oct 2012 19:47:00 GMT
Day 263...About To Be Born!!! Day 263
Baby Boy Martinez will be arriving tomorrow morning,
bright and early... :)
Mommy, sister and GiGi spent some time together today 
and caught a few "day before" shots!!! :)

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Tue, 09 Oct 2012 20:56:00 GMT
Day 262...Headed Home Day 262
Happy Birthday, Roxanna!!! I love you so much! :)
Wish I was with you today!
Another full day of seminar classes before heading back home...
Fun, but tiring. Decided to stop at Captain Rons on the way home only to 
find they were closed on Mondays...
Some lonely looking photos of poor Captain Rons
when no ones around having fun...

 ♪... hey has anybody seen my sweet Gypsy Rose...♪

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Mon, 08 Oct 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 261...Busy Seminar Day Day 261
Although this may sound like an oxy moron when
I was at a photography seminar...
there just wasn't much time for taking photos today...
In classes from 10 to midnight...
Crazy busy, but fun!
Today's sunny view from our room...

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sun, 07 Oct 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 260...Gloomy Fun! Day 260
What a fun day!
Deana and I headed out to a photography seminar at Tan Tar A this morning!
A really gloomy day but we made the most of it, that's for sure.
Got settled in our room, shopped, shopped some more, ate
and came back to crash before the seminar begins tomorrow!
Our view out our window...
(cropped out the rooftops in the foreground though)
Gloomy and grey our first day.

shopping goods and treats!! :)

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sat, 06 Oct 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 259...Cool Sky Day 259
I guess I'm must be the queen of  "drive by shooting"...
Photography, that is.
On our way to dinner this evening I caught this sky shot
through the windshield..
Wish I'd been somewhere else to shoot such an awesome early evening sky
but this was it on Glen Hendren Rd in Liberty, MO...

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Fri, 05 Oct 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 258...Dinner Time Day 258
What's the time? Dinner time!
Dinner out at Zona Rosa with girls from photo club!
Always fun, then off to the meeting!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Thu, 04 Oct 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 257...Halloween Treats...:) Day 257
Some things you just don't mess with...
Like trying to turn Oreos into "Candy Corn Oreos"
(a few posts back)
Not a good thing...
Soooo sweet of Mark to hunt them down for me but 
not worth the calories, that's for sure!
Now, on the other hand these Candy Corn Taffy's???
L.O.V.E. them!!! 
If you like Taffy and a Buttercream type flavor
you will love these!!! :)
I can't really say they taste like Candy Corn but
they are GOOOD!
They rank right up there with the real
Candy Corn and Peanut mix!!!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Wed, 03 Oct 2012 21:42:00 GMT
Day 256...American Ride Day 256
Spent some time running a few errands this morning and 
then decided to have lunch on the square.
While I was eating my lunch another lady came over to my table and asked me if I 
knew what was going on outside on the corner...
Of course I had no idea but do you think me, with camera in hand, 
was going to miss out on an opportunity to find out? Heck no!
So when I first went out, just standing by my car across the street,
I notice I'm being looked at...Well, HELLO, it is a public street!!!
Snapped a shot or two and the next thing I know this nice gentleman 
approaches me and tells me they're filming a local episode of American Ride 
here on the square at the bank museum and 
I am in the background!!! Ok, I will move!
He invited me to follow him and told me I could stand behind the crew
and take as many photos as I liked.
What I actually saw was the on location interview our local news KSHB 41 was conducting.
I had to leave and head home before they actually started filming the episode at the bank.
I hope I can get the channel it's on...I'd like to see it.
Stan Ellsworth is a former NFL player and history teacher
who now travels the States on his Harley
re-discovering American History...sounds really interesting to me!
 I was spotted

 this gentleman to the left was the one who asked me to remove myself from my spot!
And here I thought I was observing from afar!

Stan Ellsworth ... The interview
 My thought is...
I bet that bike rides inside this trailer a lot and he either flies or rides along..
what'd you think? Surely not?
rounding the block for another take!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Tue, 02 Oct 2012 21:03:00 GMT
Day 255...Weston Red Barn Farm Day 255
Took a field trip today with photography club to Red Barn Farm...
Fun times! Even got in some trouble too...
But I'll blame that on the crowd I was hangin' with today.
Those photo club gals are wild ones, you know!
And my granddaughter too! 
I should know better than to hang with such a crowd... :)

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Mon, 01 Oct 2012 21:53:00 GMT
Day 254...Belvoir Winery Open House Day 254
Late night last night and tons to do today!
Today was Northland Photography Clubs Open House showing at
Belvoir Winery in Liberty, MO.
We had a really nice turnout!
A room with a view...for sure!
[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sun, 30 Sep 2012 21:24:00 GMT
Day 253...Reunion Day Day 253
What an absolutely beautiful day it was today!!!
And I had the day off from work! :)
Mark and I went to the Liberty Fall Festival parade, had lunch together,
did our shopping,
and off I went to my high school reunion...35 years! 
After shooting many, many photos at the parade...I figured something out!
I do not like crowds when trying to take photo's.
I find it unattractive for the background, people get in the way, 
you don't get to choose your "prime spot" for shooting, 
and even if you do find a good spot....someone still manages to step right in front of you.
Just not what I like, I guess.
On the way back to our car I saw this beautiful butterfly 
and literally followed it around until it landed long enough for me to catch it...
digitally, that is!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sat, 29 Sep 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 252...On Our Way Day 252
Tonight is the first night of a fun weekend!
Washington High School, Class of  1977, 35 year reunion!
On our way to Danny's Bar and Grill at the Legends for the Friday night get together.
This was the gorgeous view we enjoyed while heading 
West on Hwy 152 out of Liberty, MO.
Sure wish I'd been on a beach or the top of mountain viewing this sunset
but it's beautiful nonetheless!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Fri, 28 Sep 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 251...Purrfect! Day 251
Some things just go together well...
These two photos are a "Puuurrrrrfect" example!
Michi defends herself by saying...
"I am sweet, you know I am...I just don't like that other cat you brought home"
I tell her..."that was seven years ago...get over it..." 
I don't think she understands...:)

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Thu, 27 Sep 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 250...A Treat At the Arch! Day 250
Went to Lawrence today after work to have a little time with my kids and grandson.
It was short...but sweet!
Always makes me happy to see my babies..big and little...:)
Took this photo when I stopped for a dipped cone treat for the ride home!
You know they say the new dipped cones are for a limited time only.
It will be a sad day when their time is up.
You did good with this one, McDonalds! :)

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Wed, 26 Sep 2012 21:27:00 GMT
Day 249...Beers And Deers... :) Day 249
Took a tour of Boulevard Brewery with some photography club members today.
I always find the history of small business success interesting. uplifting and so promising.
The owner has a great story of his beginnings!
Industrial type photography isn't really my thing though...
I just wasn't into it.
BUT, the beer was good and the company great!!!
Afterwards took a drive around the lake and caught some sweet things munching on their dinner.
Very very sad to see them so thin and scrawny.
The drought has hurt our wildlife terribly. :(

Behind the bar!
[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Tue, 25 Sep 2012 21:17:00 GMT
Day 248...Late Season Hummer Day 248
Even though it's late in the season and the Hummers are nearly gone, I finally 
remembered to try a trick suggested to me by a friend.
Wear a red t-shirt out by your feeders and then 
try to train the Hummers to sit on your fingers!
Well, for now, all I want is to be close enough to get a good photo 
and not have them be scared away!
I'd say the red shirt worked!
I just wish I'd had a minute or so to settle in and get my camera settings in order!
This little gal flew in within 30 seconds of me stepping out onto my porch, 
I wasn't quite prepared and ended up with a not so crisp and clear photo...
I'm so excited though that they showed no sign of fear
with me being so close! This one was about 3 ft away from me.
But they didn't come back again after this photo either.
It was late though...maybe tomorrow and definitely I will try again next season!
It will be here before I know it!

Another one of Gods "Freebies"
A pretty little weed I found growing out along my fence line this evening.
I didn't pull it.

Zinnia...pretty again...same plant I took a burnt shot of a while back.

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Mon, 24 Sep 2012 21:06:00 GMT
Day 247...A Special Place Day 247
Wyandotte County Lake will always be a special place to me.
Picnic's when I was young and
sooo many drives around the lake with friends and just hanging out..
Sledding on "the Hill" too!
I might've  even watch a submarine race (or two) here.. :)
Today I took a fun drive around the lake with one of my bff's, Vickie! 
(yes, I'm lucky enough to say I have more than one bff)
Having a best friend, and if your lucky like me, having a handful of them, is such a gift...
 As different as we all are,
we are so much alike and always there for each other! 
Girlfriends are the best!!! 
Just a couple of shots I took today..
Mostly it was a drive around the lake just gossiping and having fun! :)
What a BEAUTIFUL afternoon!

the drive around the lake is so serene and beautiful...I love this place

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sun, 23 Sep 2012 20:51:00 GMT
Day 246...What's For Dinner! Day 246
After a full days work and shopping with my oldest daughter, Kaley
I made it home exactly 13 hours from when I left the house...
Long day, but fun!
Dinner at Red Robin.
Fast (well maybe not,) but easy and a decent salad!
Home to watch more Mad Men!
We are hooked on that show and have 4 more seasons to catch up on!!
YAAAY for Netflix!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sat, 22 Sep 2012 20:31:00 GMT
Day 245...Destructing Beauty... :( Day 245
When I visited my mom today I saw that this is now what's left of 
 the beautiful little field of wild sunflowers I took a photo of a week ago.
It made me sad to see that one more little bit of nature's wildflowers
had been ripped up and discarded.
Several years ago when I lived in Texas, 
I had an elderly neighbor who told me even though her
husband just hated the Dandelions and flowering weeds that she always looked at them
as God's gift to us..."Freebies" as she called them! 
I have many memories of her even though I only knew her for a few short years.
It's amazing the impact people have on us and sometimes we don't realize it till much later.
Today, Friday, September 21

Last Friday, September 14
although this is a closeup the entire little hillside was covered
in these wild Sunflowers one week ago today.

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Fri, 21 Sep 2012 20:22:00 GMT
Day 244...Sweet!!! :) Day 244
It's so true...
Sometimes the smallest things mean the most...
My husband knows I love Oreos...(he does too)
He also knows I LOVE Candy Corn and always look forward 
to devouring a sack (or two) when Fall arrives!
Yesterday, while listening to the radio,
 he heard the disc jockeys talking about the new Oreo/Candy Corn Cookies
and stopped on his way home from work to buy me some...
After hitting three stores with no luck he came on home 
but he did tell me about them!!! 
Little did I know that today he actually called the radio station to ask where he could find them..
Guess what he brought home to me today! :)

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Thu, 20 Sep 2012 20:03:00 GMT
Day 243...Daylight Dwindles Day 243
Another day of work..
Another day of a solo photo...
Another day of wishing I had more time in the day...
Just another day of life... 
And as the saying goes...
Life is Good!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Wed, 19 Sep 2012 20:33:00 GMT
Day 242...Serious Stuff Day 242
He watches the movie with such intent...
It's a drama of unimaginable magnitude ...
And he takes it very seriously, you know...
After all, it's... 
Toy Story 3!
I love this serious little face...

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Tue, 18 Sep 2012 20:17:00 GMT
Day 241...Faces of Alia II...:) Day 241
A short visit today with GiGi while Mom had an appointment!
Another opportunity for me to capture some sweetness!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Mon, 17 Sep 2012 21:47:00 GMT
Day 240...Faces of Alia :) Day 240
She spent the day with her PaPa and GiGi today...
It was a good day! A really good day!
She asked me "GiGi, can I pick these flowers for my hair?" 
"Of course you can!" I said
I do believe flowers are planted to later pick and enjoy!!!
She had to have a little help picking them though...
(the whole plant almost came up out of the ground on the first pull)
Surprisingly, as you can see, the flowers survived the process 
of pinching them down to a short enough stem to tuck behind her ear...
(I helped with that part was a tough stem to pinch!!!)
In hair flower arranging done exclusively by Miss Alia herself!!! 

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sun, 16 Sep 2012 20:32:00 GMT
Day 239...Garden Sedum Day 239
It's been another one of those days where I only took a shot or two...
Not much of a day for photography but 
a photo was taken, nonetheless!
I've never seen a Sedum variety that I didn't like!
Simple beauty...

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sat, 15 Sep 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 238...A Wild Bunch! Day 238
I'm loving the wild Sunflowers that are in bloom EVERYWHERE right now!!!
I think I like them equally as well as the big ones!
I want to know the variety so that I can plant them!!!
They sure would make a beautiful backdrop 
along with some colorful flowers for 
photo shoots!!!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Fri, 14 Sep 2012 18:35:00 GMT
Day 237...Rainy Day Thursday Day 237
A neighborhood street shot from inside the car while driving home this evening.
[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Thu, 13 Sep 2012 21:07:00 GMT
Day 236...It's a Knock Out! Day 236
Back to the real world in every way.
Back to scrambling for a daily photo...

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Wed, 12 Sep 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 235...My First Taste of Moonshine! Day 235
This morning, before leaving town
 we hiked around Black Bass Lake in Eureka Springs.
Definitely a nature walk!
We saw animal tracks, got ticks (yuck) 
and heard animals of unknown species rustling in the woods!
Then onto the Copper Run Distillery for my first taste of Moonshine...
Some GOOD stuff!
I was surprised I liked it!
Homeward bound after that!

 Black Bass Lake, the last bit of morning fog about to burn off.
First part of our morning hike around the lake.

Animals tracks of some type! Anybody know?

wildflowers in the early morning sun...:)

 Look what I found at the distillery! What a sweetie! 
I didn't ask to take photos of the distillery. I figured they'd say no but 
this little pooch was much cuter anyway!

 Wildflowers at the distillery!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Tue, 11 Sep 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 234...My Birthday! :) Day 234
This morning after coffee time we visited Beaver Lake which is just gorgeous!
Some of the clearest, bluest lake water I've ever seen!
It was so clear that while walking down a boat ramp 
Mark didn't realize how close he was to the water 
and took one step too many...walked right into it!
A little later he decided it was OK to stand on a log by the waters edge...
a slippery log that is, and yep, he fell in! Wet shoes all day!
And yes, I laughed!! 
We did A LOT today, like our Saturday in Branson!
It was a great day!!!
 looking out over Beaver the Dam

 Beaver Lake view...played around with editing quite a bit on this one.
Not sure what else it needs but I went with this one.

 Mark, on the log...before the slip!

 Ranger Tower...100ft climb... :/

 at the top!!! No photo of me though...:( 
I forgot to pass the camera over to Mark before we were on our way down...
I wasn't going back up! 

 Downtown Eureka Springs
 I LOVE this staircase

 this was the best part of my birthday dinner...:)

 what dainty flowers...a sweet little vine!

and last, but not least...
 A bath house (bordello) from 1901...
Now, a very nice hotel.
Check out that neon sign!
The first neon sign west of the Mississippi
One of the oldest, original neon signs left in America 
according to the guide from a tour we took a couple of years ago.
aka "The Phallus Palace" by the locals...lolol

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Mon, 10 Sep 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 233...Movin' On Day 233
After a wonderful Sunday Brunch at The Keeter Center we headed on down to 
Eureka Springs, AR!
One of my favorite places!
 Christ of the Ozarks...located on the property of The Passion Play.
As much as I love the image of Christ, I've never really cared for the hard lines and style of this statue.
Nonetheless, it is an impressive sight to see! Six stories tall, if I'm remembering correctly.

 What better place to take a Sunday afternoon nap than on the lawn of
The Crescent Hotel!!!

 Lake Leatherwood...Eureka Springs city park lake...

view of The Crescent Hotel from a scenic overlook.

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sun, 09 Sep 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 232...Busy and Fun! Day 232
We spent just one full day in Branson and boy did we make the most of it!
Started out with a Shepard of the Hills historical tour,
rode the Vigilante Ziprider, 
the Ducks, saw Sons of the Pioneers dinner show
 and moved right on over to see the 
Shepard of the Hills outdoor drama!
Very fun day!
A few photo's from our day...

 our thrill ride for the day
closer view of the launch deck...170 ft high!!!

 taken just a couple seconds after launch...
an fyi for my photography friends....I cheated
 I had my camera set on P for the ride!
For whatever reason, my zipline was the fastest. Mark says I was
leaps and bounds ahead of the rest of the riders as soon as we took off.
I'd hoped to be one of the slower ones so I could catch a photo of Mark zipping alongside!
 coming in for the landing!
Mark on the landing pad after our 1/2 mile zip from theTower!
I didn't even bother with a photo of the Duck we rode after this...lolol
[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sat, 08 Sep 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 231...On Our Way! Day 231
When we stopped to eat in Springfield,
it FINALLY quit raining!
Our drive...took this as it was letting up... :/

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Fri, 07 Sep 2012 21:28:00 GMT
Day 230...Club Meeting Day 230
Work and photography club meeting...
that was my day! 
Taking this photo was the only time I picked my camera up today...
It was a great meeting, interesting speaker tonight with fabulous photos from Peru
but probably should've stayed home to pack my bags!
Too tired now, going to bed!
Home of Northland Photography Club!!!
Great store! Great owners!
[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Thu, 06 Sep 2012 21:42:00 GMT
Day 229...Garden Revival Day 229
The recent rain did bring about a revival...
a garden variety revival..
Some of my flowers look as good as they did in Spring...
Won't talk about the rest of them! 
Here's one brought back to life and one about to bloom!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Wed, 05 Sep 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 228...Country Wandering Day 228
Took a short drive this evening and found a few interesting things!
 "I'll get you, my pretty....and your little dog too! AH HAHAHAHA!"

 There were five! 
Since I was the driver I was really more concerned with any cars
that might be coming up behind me. 
You can see from the photos that it was a fairly curvy road.
Not the kind I normally stop in the middle of!
After the first two crossed I could see the others in the brush off of the side of the road so
I did finally grab my camera and catch these shots. 

This little Woodchuck/Groundhog (they are the same thing ..."creatures" as Mark and I call them ) was just scurrying around eating grass until he saw me ...
then he scurried even faster...too cute! I think he thought he was hiding from me.
He sure does blend in well!
[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Tue, 04 Sep 2012 21:39:00 GMT
Day 227...My $133 Photos...:( Day 227
Well, without going into details that no one really cares about...
I'll just tell ONE thing that happened in my day today..(yes, there was more) :(
I got a speeding ticket...:(
 A $133 speeding ticket...:(
I should've stayed home!
But then I wouldn't have these wonderful $133 photos, now would I?!
Just tell me which one you want to buy and I'll be so happy to sell it to you...only $133! :)
 one of my favorite walks...:)

 beautiful moss

 mossy reflections

a Labor Day bike ride!
[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Mon, 03 Sep 2012 21:16:00 GMT
Day 226...Santa-Cali-Gon Days Day 226
Mark, my mom-in-law and I went to Santa-Cali-Gon Days festival today!
I love going to fairs and fall festivals!
  a fun, colorful shot!

Independence, MO Courthouse on the square.
We got there about 11 am and this was the crowd.
An hour or so later, you couldn't find a square foot of open space.
It was crazy busy. Making up for the rainy start to the weekend, I suppose!
[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sun, 02 Sep 2012 20:42:00 GMT
Day 225...Rain Ahead! :) Day 225
Mark said it was still raining in Liberty when I talked to him on my way home from work...
it literally started raining again as I came into Liberty city limits on the highway.
We drove out of rain on our way to K.C.KS. to Nebraska Furniture Mart
and drove back into it again on our way home! 
We'll take all we can get right now! 
Shot these pics out the car window on the way home.
 I love the way the setting sun makes the cloud line pink!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sat, 01 Sep 2012 20:27:00 GMT
Day 224...It's Raining, It's Pouring! Day 224
I never knew the arrival of rain could be so exhilarating...
What a relief!!!
I don't know if you can call it "dancing in the rain" but
I sure had my fair share of time out in it today...
and I didn't mind at all...not one bit! :)

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Fri, 31 Aug 2012 21:34:00 GMT
Day 223...My Feline Assistant Day 223
With a busy day doing non-stop hair at the salon,
I didn't find much time for photography.
That's OK once in a while...:)
There's never a shortage of 4 legged canine or feline subjects 
to choose from at our house!!
Here she is, always looking her best...
Orange Cat

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Thu, 30 Aug 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 222...One. BIG. Bee. Day 222
I thought the bees in my own backyard garden were big till I saw several of these guys 
swarming around this plant on the Liberty square.
I don't think my photo does justice when it comes to really showing the size

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Wed, 29 Aug 2012 12:41:00 GMT
Day 221...Always Something Day 221
Famous last words...
Me: to my husband ..."there is NOTHING left to take a photo of in the backyard...
I've already taken a photo of anything worthwhile out there."
Well, I suppose that statement is somewhat true but usually I CAN (and DID)
find something out there to take a photo of.
I've only got a few more months of my photo a day challenge.
I'm determined not to fail but it is getting harder.
I'm hoping that the arrival of Fall, field trips,
vacation days and the holidays will help me make it through!
I also have a handful of family birthdays coming up that will give me a photo for the day...:)
It may not be anything stunning, but I will take a photo.... I will!
I love the contrast of the dead bloom with the stem still green

Castor bean plant...Love these!
They're so gorgeous for being so poisonous!!!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Tue, 28 Aug 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 220...Ditto (Orioles Again) Day 220
Well, I do love my birdies...
They come just for me, ya know! :)
Another day, just like yesterday.
The Orioles were flying into my feeder off and on all day long. 
I enjoy them so much. I've had a greater variety of different birds in past years 
but this year, the Orioles have made up for the lack of other birds showing up.
They're just so beautiful. I'm glad I have my mom's love of birds!!!
Once again, like yesterday, not the greatest photos
but I captured lots of activity at the feeder!!
 One of the more beautiful males that frequent my feeder!

 Pretty boy... :)

 young female (L) and young male (R)....I think

 I think this is a young male on top and two females below

 I think this one's saying...:"you can kiss my bright orange patooty with that camera, lady!"

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Mon, 27 Aug 2012 21:05:00 GMT
Day 219...Orioles Still Here! Day 219
Today I've seen sooo many different Orioles at my feeder.
At one time there were six within sight at the same time!
I love them. They are so beautiful!
My photo's aren't as clear, crisp and focused as I would like because 
they've been cropped quite a bit to zoom in.
A longer lens is definitely on my wish list!!!!
Here's one photo of a female that was cooperative enough to land 
fairly close so I didn't have to crop as much.

The Males on the other hand seemed to know I was waiting with my camera.
They always seem to be a little more skittish than the females
and although I sat patiently with my kitchen window opened,
for at least 15 minutes, they did not fly down to my feeder until after I shut the window.
I really do think they saw me sitting inside at my window!
Here, two of the males sat in my Sycamore tree just waiting, and watching for me to leave!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sun, 26 Aug 2012 14:35:00 GMT
Day 218...A Little Rain Day 218
Well, unfortunately for us, here in Liberty, all that rain we were supposed to get 
turned out to be less than 3/10 of an inch... :(
Maybe next time...
It was sprinkling a little when Mark and I went out to dinner!!!
Woo Hoo!!!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sat, 25 Aug 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 217...Liverpool Day 217
What a great evening!
Dinner at Corner Cafe and a summer concert on the square!

Liverpool, A Tribute To The Beatles

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Fri, 24 Aug 2012 21:09:00 GMT
Day 216...A Favorite Spot

Day 216
I'm not sure what I'll do someday when this favorite spot of mine 
is finally developed...
I sure won't have it all to myself then, I guess.
Until then, I will use it for my "go to" location, when needed!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Thu, 23 Aug 2012 21:01:00 GMT
Day 215...Meadow...again...:) Day 215
Playing in the backyard with Meadow...
Waiting for her daddy to throw the ball she loves sooo much!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Wed, 22 Aug 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 214...A Visit To Belvoir Day 214
Today I spent some time at Belvoir Winery 
where some Northland Photography Club members 
have photos displayed in their Library Room. 
I took inventory, hung two new additions to our gallery of fabulous photos 
and took a short walk around the property...
These are a few shots from my walk.
 The "open concept?" or "a room with a view?"
 Belvoir back alley

 The other buildings on the property (not the main building) 
now have this pretty red "garland" strung all around them! :(

 A Belvoir beauty...soon to be demolished :(
I see the beauty, don't you?

Stairway to ?
[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Tue, 21 Aug 2012 19:07:00 GMT
Day 213...Needing Inspiration Day 213
Feeling somewhat less than motivated again 
when it comes to an original subject for my photo of the day.
Can't seem to help it.
Some days are just easier than others....
And some days are MUCH harder.
I took this shot this evening before coming in to watch TV and relax. 
I feel it's not much to look at but it is what it is...
A shallow depth of field shot of some garden flowers through the Basil flower tops.
Actually, it's growing on me!

The photo I took for today.

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Mon, 20 Aug 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 212...Blue Skies Day 212
A beautiful day!
Spent some time pulling weeds out of the garden beds (not much left now)
and a whole lotta time doing nothing!
My kinda day!
Today really was one of those days that was so pretty it reminded me of that song
♪... Blue skies smilin' at me...nothin' but blue skies I see...♪

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sun, 19 Aug 2012 21:54:00 GMT
Day 211...Argus Day 211
My Roxanna's "pup-pup"
I have such beautiful kids!
And really, REALLY beautiful grandkids!
I have beautiful pets too!!!
I even have beautiful granddogs!
In Greek mythology, Argos was Odysseus' faithful dog. He waited for his master's return to Ithaca for over a decade while most presumed Odysseus dead.
[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sat, 18 Aug 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 210..."Buds" ... Weiser, That Is! Day 210
Caught this photo at the Fair tonight! 
The dog was "working the crowd" like a pro!...So friendly :)
He was weaving in and out of people, the horses legs, laying down, trotting around,
You name it, he was on the move!
I really felt lucky to catch this shot! 
If you could have seen what was going on you would understand the following "conversation"...
(all the horses were being hitched up for their big parade around the fairgrounds)
Clydesdale: "Are they coming for me next?"
Dog: "I don't know, it looks like your next in line...
HEY, WAIT.... if I stand right here, in line, maybe they'll let me pull this time!"

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Fri, 17 Aug 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 209...Dainty, Yet Strong Day 209
I went outside this evening to do some weeding in the garden and 
noticed right away this little rosebud.
Just goes to show all it takes is a little bit of cooler weather 
to start bringing things back to life!
It's so sad that our grass, flowers and the farmers crops cannot 
make a "comeback" as easily as my little rosebud did.

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Thu, 16 Aug 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 208...The Only Thing Missing Day 208
The only thing missing from this photo is a pretty horse standing by the fence!
Nice little barn I found while out taking a drive this evening after buying my lottery ticket.
Just in case you're wondering...I didn't win...again..:(

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Wed, 15 Aug 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 207...Belvoir Winery Gazebo Day 207
I went to the winery today to check in on Northland Photography Club's display
 but found that a meeting was taking place in the Library room...
So, no checking in on the photos today but I did have a great chat with the friendly bartender!
It was quiet and she told me quite a bit about what plans (or ideas, I should say)
that are being tossed around for the winery!
I just hope they keep it beautiful and don't go too commercial.
But, as she said, it all depends on what will be profitable...
Guess that makes good financial sense.
This is a photo of the gazebo out front of the winery.
I believe Dr. Bean, the owner, had this built in memory of his wife.
Because of the drought this season, it did not make a very pretty colored photo,
 with the grass all burned and such 
so I went with the antique look while editing!
I like this dreamy look anyway!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Tue, 14 Aug 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 206...A Hawk Day 206
From an OE a JAYHAWK!!! 
Abby's it!
what a busy, fun day it was today...
not a lot of time for photos when there's moving in to do, shopping, meetings, etc
It seemed I always had my hands full, but never with my camera...
I shot these two photos after my parent meeting at The Union...:)

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Mon, 13 Aug 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 205...MO State Fair, 2012 Day 205
A day in Sedalia, MO.
My home town...The fair is always something I look forward to.
I don't always go every year and there were many years while raising my kids that I didn't make it back to the fair at all but Mark and I always try to go if we can!
I love the "feel" of the fairgrounds! 
One of many small things that just makes me happy!
As we were entering the fairgrounds we were stopped by the highway patrol because 
this guy was coming in for a landing right where we would walk by! 
Is it an Apache? Is it a Black Hawk? 
Or is it an Apache Black Hawk? 
I'm confused!!! Go Army!!!

A birds eye view!!!
I was working on making the cage wires disappear in my photo!
I think I got it!

Fun sights at the fair!! 

Patriot guard listening to a speech by Missouri's Governor, Jay Nixon

Sweetest face at the fair!! 

For me, this is what the Fair's all about...
but I forgot to get a photo of my fried green tomatoes!

The Midway!
[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sun, 12 Aug 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 204...I Want To Buy This Place...:( Day 204
While taking a drive, Mark and I came across this property for sale
What an OLD place with lots of history I'm sure.
Wish we could buy it!
A few shots of the property...

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sat, 11 Aug 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 203...Dog Days Day 203
Dog days...
Not talking about the normal heat of a mid-August day or
 the hellacious heat wave we've had this entire summer...
Today was ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!!! Yay!! FINALLY, a break in the heat!
Just one of those days when the only photo I took was of my sweet Lab, Meadow.
Even at nearly 11 pm she will happily pose for me when there are treats involved!!!
Love my baby Meadow!!!

she knew that treat was in my hand...
the same hand I was snapping the shot with!!! 
Poor abused doggy,...NOT...:)
[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Fri, 10 Aug 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 202...Tattered and Torn Day 202
We went to bed last night without power, but were just certain it would be back on soon...
Not so...
Woke this morning, still no electricity, and thought surely it would be anytime...
Not so...
Shortly after 17 hours had passed the power came back on!!!
Those clouds I posted a photo of last night brought us a war zone of leaves, branches and trees down throughout our neighborhood, but less that 3/10 of an inch of rain... :(
Rain is certainly what we needed...not the power outage.
But, all is well now, no harm done as far as food spoilage
and that's a good thing!
I know too many people who've gone through that! 
I'm so thankful we didn't.
Here's a photo of that perfect little Sunflower I posted two days ago...
(except for the plucked out leaves courtesy of the Yellow Finch, anyway)
She's not so perfect anymore but survived the storm nonetheless!
This is her reflection in the birdbath after toughing out the 60 mph winds and rain...
Just a little tattered now...

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Thu, 09 Aug 2012 19:23:00 GMT
Day 201...A Storm Brewing! Day 201
This is what the sky looked like before the storm hit!
Looking pretty wicked!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Wed, 08 Aug 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 200...Only 165 To Go! Day 200
These two Sunflowers in my backyard have been ravaged by the same little bugger!!!
A Yellow Finch bugger!!
Wish I'd caught him in the act with my camera but oh well,
maybe that can be another days photo..
I sat and watched him fly back and forth between the big flower along our fence line and 
the little one right outside my kitchen window...
I think he must be a baby because he just kept pulling the petals off and 
spitting them onto the ground.
He wasn't even trying for the seed!
At least he's consistent...sat right on top of each flower and pulled a bald spot!!!

My sweet Meadow Baby was a hot dog after playing a few rounds of ball with "Dad!"
I think she needs a swimming pool!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Tue, 07 Aug 2012 20:49:00 GMT
Day 199...Walk Around Campus Day 199
This evening I took a nice walk around William Jewell Campus!
Parts of it, anyway. A lot of construction is going on there.
What a beautiful day it was today and it felt so good being able
take a nice walk this evening!
This really is a pretty little campus!
 Now you know where I was at 6:50 pm this evening!!!

 in front of the chapel

 Jewell Hall...oldest building on the campus

 John Gano Memorial Chapel

an empty no longer resides within
[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Mon, 06 Aug 2012 19:24:00 GMT
Day 198...Wolf Peaches Day 198
While making salsa, juice and working in our garden I've heard Mark, many times, refer to the tomatoes as "Wolf Peaches"
I'd never heard this term used before I was married to him 
but wasn't surprised by his knowledge!
 He never ceases to amaze me with his knowledge of nature, in general.
 He told me about the old legends of witches using tomatoes to cast spells and how everyone used to believe they were poisonous!! 
I finally decided to do a little research on it!
Did you know that in old German folklore witches used 
plants of the Nightshade family (which includes tomatoes)
to evoke WEREWOLVES!!!
An 18th century man Carl Linnaeus knew of the legend when he gave the botanical name of 
Lycopersicon Esculentum to the tomato, which translates to 
"edible wolf peach."
I looked at a few different sites and found this particular one had the most information
where the old folklore and legends were concerned. 
It also tells a little about what the word tomato means in other languages...
If you're interested, check it out! I had fun reading it!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sun, 05 Aug 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 197...Courtyard Finds Day 197
While visiting Mom today I took a walk around the courtyard at Evergreen...
With the heat, I hadn't been out there in a while.
So many more changes! 
Today, I caught just a few "snaps" of some things growing in the gardens there! 
Sadly, there really isn't much that's very pretty although they have done a great job 
at keeping the potted flowers and plants alive. 
Here's just a couple of photos that I liked.
Burned up Butterfly bush... :( 

I thought the photo above was a green bean flower but then I 
realized it was just right next to the green beans...
there wasn't a label and I didn't see any fruit on the vine to identify,
...anyone know what it is?

a little green bean vine

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sat, 04 Aug 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 196...Our Birthday Beauty Day 196
Alia turned 5 years old last week!!!
PaPa and I took our little birthday girl out for an evening of dinner, shopping , ice cream and play time!
It was so much fun! 
Just look at that smile...:) 
It makes me feel all good inside! 
Faces of Alia, GiGi's Princess...♥
 Not sure what's up with this gorgeous little smirky grin...but I love it! ☺
 my beauty
 double fisted application of that hot pink lipstick we bought! ☺
 deep in thought
 I guess it was "strike a pose" time 'cause I got one!
 Three generations...Mark and his girls...☺...if only PaPa would smile at the
PaPa having fun, playing with Alia and teaching her to use the walkie talkies...
which looked just like iPhones... ☺

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Fri, 03 Aug 2012 21:34:00 GMT
Day 195...Mad Dash Moon Shot Day 195
On my way home from photography club meeting the moon looked so beautiful that I just had to try and get a shot....well, I pretty much dropped the ball on remembering my settings for "shooting the moon" and I was alone on the Summit St bridge, not feeling too safe, but wanting to try. It only took one shot for me to remember that I really needed to set up my tripod, which I did have in my trunk but it also only took one lonely car passing by me on that bridge to make me jump back into the safety of my car and head on toward home...
Check out my one and only pic...I think I have some UFO activity going on!...:)
Surely it couldn't be "moon glow glare flare"   :)
whew...try saying that five times real fast!!!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Thu, 02 Aug 2012 21:35:00 GMT
Day 194...Cookies With GiGi... :) Day 194
Jax came to spend the night with his GiGi and PaPa!!!
He was a good boy! Ate his dinner! And, he didn't know he was about to get a haircut!
So I gave him a cookie first... :)

after cookie, haircut, bath and playtime...time for a bed time snack...
"hmmm, GiGi, these aren't near as good as those Oreo's"

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Wed, 01 Aug 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 193...My "Sunny" Morning Misadventures! Day 193
This morning I decided that it would be my last chance for 2012 to get any shots of the Sunflower fields so off I went, Tonganoxie bound,
Sonic Cherry Coke safely in the cup holder!!!
Only one far...
As I approached downtown KC MO I realized I'd forgotten my step stool... :/
See, the Sunflowers are extra tall this year and if you want to be above them, 
it definitely requires having a ladder, of some sort...
OR stand on your car as I saw some people doing and ...
 That option was NOT for me!!!
Not knowing what else to do, I remembered Strasser Hardware on SW Blvd 
which really was not "on my way,"
but it was the nearest place I could think of to purchase a step stool...
so, I am now the proud owner of
Back on the highway again, I was headed West!
Once I arrived I met a gentlemen and his wife who were from Lawrence and wanted to take 
MY PICTURE...oh geez, being on the other side of the camera is not my comfort zone!!
But, I happily obliged, he emailed them to me and now
I have a photo memory of me at the fields!
After carrying that new step ladder, for what seemed to be a LONG ways,
 out into the field,
 I realized it wasn't the scene I wanted....ugh
so, I just hauled that shiny new step stool right back OUT of the field...
only to realize once back at my car, that my cell phone was missing...
OK, retrace steps...trek back into the field, scanning the ground...
YAAAY, cell phone found!
I'm lucky I didn't collapse from the heat.
Perspiration was pouring off of me 'cause you know...
ladies "perspire"...we don't "sweat" ... HA
At this point, red faced, drenched in sweat (yes, sweat,)
I was determined to get a few more shots so
as I hauled that dreaded step ladder to a new position
I met yet another man coming out of the field, 
said hello and went about my photo taking!
I noticed out of the corner of my eye that he was taking my photo up on that step stool...
I couldn't think of why anyone would be taking a photo of me, 
but laughingly just thought to myself
"oh goody, another "flattering" photo of myself"....lololol
When I was finally about to leave, he and his wife were standing at their vehicle and with the equipment he had hanging around his neck, I knew he was more than a hobbyist like me so I asked if he had a website that I'd like to see his Sunflower field shots...
That was when he told me he worked for the Associated Press and gave me his card!
Wonder if a photo of me, standing on that dreaded step stool in a field of Sunflowers
will pop up somewhere out there in the news world???
Now... on the verge of heat stroke, 
I loaded my step stool, dropped a donation in the box and headed home.
After a glass of Iced Tea I was ready for an afternoon of canning Salsa!
Got that done too but we had our first ever jar break in half inside the canner...
what a mess...
took a couple more shots of backyard flowers and I was ready for bed!!!

My photo's for the day...
 you can see the heads of the Sunflowers are starting to droop

 my own little wildflower garden
pretty little moth of some kind came in for a landing 
just as I was about to shoot this flower growing up into my Basil
[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Tue, 31 Jul 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 192...Evoking Memories...:) Day 192
I've heard many people say, many times, that anything can bring on a memory...
a smell, a taste, the feel of something...anything...
Well, today, for me it was fried fish!
I was flooded with memories of eating fried fish every summer, all the time! 
Multiple times a week!
I learned at a young age, before filleting fish was the thing to do, 
how to de-bone my crappy and catfish with the best of them!
I never knew when I was younger that someday having
fresh fish to fry would be such a special treat.
I don't have anyone in my life who fishes and brings it to me to fry anymore...
When I became an adult my Dad would bring it to me and we'd have a big fish fry!
We'd have the fish (and Hushpuppies sometimes,) corn on the cob
and sliced tomatoes from dads garden...
Just like the meal I fixed tonight thanks to one of my husbands co-workers
who gave us the fish...
It brought back sooo many memories...
I took those times for granted, never thinking in a million years that you could miss some
insignificant thing like a childhood meal so much...
I miss you Daddy
Unfortunately, my photo does NOT do this meal justice
It was wonderful!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Mon, 30 Jul 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 191...Sunflowers Galore! Day 191
A short little trip out West to the Tonganoxie/Lawrence area
will get you to here! What a view!
Sadly, they don't last long...especially with the hot summer weather this year! 
The Sunflowers bloomed nearly a month early and grew taller than normal 
but are wilting faster than normal due to the heat... :(
Hopefully, anyone who loves the flowers has made their way out to see them! 

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sun, 29 Jul 2012 21:54:00 GMT
Day 190...Smiling Faces :) Day 190
Had a really fun day today with good friends and new acquaintances!
Baby showers are always fun!
While I had my camera up to my face this little guy LITERALLY
walked right up in front of the lens...
Good thing for auto-focus!
He was adorable and smiled no matter where he was in the room whenever he saw me pick up my camera...
except when we wanted him isn't that typical!!!

His Auntie Sarah is the new Mommy to be
I know she's anxious for her very own baby boy to arrive!!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sat, 28 Jul 2012 21:40:00 GMT
Day 189...Yellow Flowers & Duckies! Day 189
It's amazing what one small inch of rain can do.
Although we need so much more, my flowers look sooo alive!
Everything seems so refreshed...
for today anyway.

Got Cupcakes? 

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Fri, 27 Jul 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 188...Cupcakes! Day 188
Who doesn't like cupcakes???
Of course, I'm a cake lover so any form of cake is good to me!
Cupcakes are just fun! 
Started baking this evening for a Saturday baby shower!
Baked photo today...
Decorated photo tomorrow!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Thu, 26 Jul 2012 21:25:00 GMT
Day 187...Hope And A Facelift Day 187
I took these shots after leaving work this evening...
I love these big, puffy clouds...Hopefully this beauty brought someone rain.
I was really happy after uploading the image when I saw the flock of geese flying through...
I hadn't noticed them when the camera was up to my eye......I like!

The shopping center where I work needed a fresh new look and it's getting it!
I know it will look so updated when it's all completed.
It's just what the salon the clients who enter the salon door!
A fresh new look for their hair! We deliver! 

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Wed, 25 Jul 2012 21:01:00 GMT
Day 186...The Finest Lace Day 186
Spent most of my day cleaning house (which it needed desperately)
canned another batch of tomato juice, had a quick dinner with Mark
and then it's almost time for the favorite TV shows to begin so the scramble is once again ON!
I did take one photo earlier in the day, but I wanted more!!!
I'm like a dog looking for a
What to shoot, where should I look, what to shoot...
the garden is always there, ready and willing to be my subject 
whether it's dead from the blistering heat, barely surviving or in beautiful bloom
There is always something.... :)

 I've never planted Queen Anne's Lace...
It showed up last year and I'm glad it came back!
So really does look like a crocheted lace doily

There is fried Okra in my very near future!! 

I've taken a photo of the Kale before but I love the colors so much 
and it looks so pretty despite the terrible heat. 
What caught my eye was the drops of water all over it from the garden sprinkler.
It looked so refreshing, even in the heat! 
I took this photo around 7:15 pm... it was still 100* on my thermometer.

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Tue, 24 Jul 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 185...A Really Fun Subject! :) Day 185
This GiGi needed a Jaxson fix!
And a drive to Lawrence got me what I needed! 
I could've used more but any amount of Jax time, is a good time :)
I realized a couple of very important things while taking some snapshots today...
A darkened room, shades pulled, on camera flash photography, a moving target....
GiGi needs some practice with these conditions... :/
But, I treasure these photos more than any of the others
that I work so hard to make right.
And...I'll figure it out! 
What a fun afternoon with my little guy, his mommy and my son!
I'm a happy GiGi........for now :)

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Mon, 23 Jul 2012 21:12:00 GMT
Day 184...A HOT, Summer Sunday Day 184
Another normal Sunday at the Kane house.
Laundry is done, ironing is done and naps are taken.
Today was no different.
Except in the morning there's usually coffee drinking and newspaper reading on the porch.
Not today. It was already too hot by the time we got up for that...And we get up early!!!
After dinner, (which was a really lame chicken casserole, by the 
I took a drive to see if I could find any crazy people 
out in the blazing heat at the park near my home...
Honestly, I was hoping for that barren, deserted park scene to shoot,
then I would write something about the heat, no one being at the parks, etc...but not so!
I found a mom and dad sitting in their air conditioned truck while their three kids played.
Can't say that I blame the mom and dad for their choice of seating!!!
I thought I might look funny myself out on a 100+ day, 
with a camera in hand, so I moved on.
Sprinkler park here in Liberty was my next destination...
Now...I think I may have driven into the craziest part of town ever!!!
An adult ballgame was being played on the field there, people and cars were EVERYWHERE 
and either a small family reunion or
a super large family picnic was going on too...
I couldn't believe all those people were really OK to be out in the heat like that...
but I figured it was probably a planned event...
so what else to do but go ahead with the plan!!!
Once again, I drove on not wanting to be the "stranger with a camera" 
lurking about at someone else's family gathering!!
By this time I've only been gone from my house for maybe 15 minutes but the frustration is setting in at not having a photo for my day and my "park scene" idea had been foiled by all these people who were either crazy... or not as wimpy as me!
I drove on wondering where to go and ended up at the cemetery. 
I always find them peaceful and I always sit, say a little prayer and then take a walk.
Today it was not much of a walk...I parked the car and got out next to the statue!!!
This statue was erected in 1904 in honor of  200+  
Clay county, Confederate soldiers who lost their lives in the Civil War.
Heading home I drove through the park by my house again and now found it empty...
like I'd originally thought it would be...
Mom, Dad and kids obviously didn't stay for long.
Looking at this lonely, dry photo of a playground, I can just feel the heat of the day. 
No children willing to stay and play for long...No picnics and family fun going on here...
those will be plans for another day

...guess I got to write that after all... :)
[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sun, 22 Jul 2012 20:23:00 GMT
DAY 183...HALF WAY THERE!!! Day 183
Wow, I really can't believe I've made it half way through my 365 photo a day challenge!
With the exception of one single day, May 21, 2012, I've taken at least one photo a day and posted it under the date it was shot. Sooo, by the calendar, I am one day behind because I chose to number only the days I took a photo on.
Technically, yesterday was day 183 of my photo a day year
but, I missed that one, dang day... :/
Although I'm still having fun with this personal challenge, I do seem to have hit a "motivation snag" since the weather has been so terribly hot....It just seems that garden photos are getting pretty darn boring but as I said once before, I know it will be fun to look back at and remember just what went on that day!
I have an "album" of photos to post today!
It was a fun AND productive day!
This is my "I've made it half way" celebration post!!
this cute little guy was "people watching," helping his family out at city market...
I think his job surely must have been to "sit there, look cute, attract customers!"

 these girls were not only beautiful but amazingly talented!

tomato varieties

 now, this little guy was adorable as well but
working a bit harder for his stake in the family profits!!

 The Vietnamese market

Buddha Bellies!!!

"I think I need a gardening hat, Hon...which one do you like best?" :)

Renting a bike is now available throughout the downtown area!!!
Very cool idea!!!

Now for the Chinese Market!
 "Please DON'T take me home with you! I don't want to be your dinner!" :(

Brunch...Mark and Gayle style!!! YUM!

When winter comes, Mark always says the tomato juice is "the taste of summer in a jar!"
 DQ to top off my day!!
[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sat, 21 Jul 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 182...In The Food Chain Day 182
Forming a line, waiting patiently for it's turn...
I wouldn't get pushy with that big ole bee either!

Head hanging low, she's had her day of beauty...
The finches are beginning to feast now!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Fri, 20 Jul 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 181...Survival Of The Fittest Day 181
I know for sure what plants will survive the hottest summer in our local history.
Moss Rose, Purslane, Begonia and the the ever beautiful Vinca!
This photo was taken right before I did my watering and 
I hadn't watered the front porch in three days for sure, maybe four.
Even though this is just a close up, the entire plant looked this good! 
Yaaay for hardy, heat tolerant plants!
Believe me, my other flowers didn't look this good.

My Favorite Vinca

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Thu, 19 Jul 2012 20:00:00 GMT
Day 180...Remember That Hornworm Hummingbird Moth? Day 180
Well, that somewhat pretty Hornworm Hummingbird Moth 
I posted about a while back...laid eggs everywhere in our tomato plants...:(
These gross worms have trashed a portion of our plants already
 and Mark's sure there is more.
We just haven't found them yet...It will be a daily hunt from now on. 
Mark found the first one before I got home from work on the 
neighborhood tomato plant he planted out front!

Tomato plant for the neighbors!

These were #2 and #3...:(

I've never seen a worm so gross...and these guys are small compared to
what the ones we don't find will grow to be while chowing down on our tomatoes...:(

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Wed, 18 Jul 2012 21:39:00 GMT
Day 179...Hospital Time Day 179
This was my yesterday...

 This was my today...

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Tue, 17 Jul 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 178...Monday, Monday Day 178
Nothing like spending the day in a hospital ER to give you a little photo inspiration...
or not...
Tired, today you get a photo of my sweet Meadow 

a "monster mater" 
An Amish Paste Roma on our vines

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Mon, 16 Jul 2012 21:02:00 GMT
Day 177...Sleepy Sunday Day 177 
Here's a few more photo's I took with my cell phone after I used up the memory card 
in the night vision camera a friend loaned me...:(
This place would be creepy even if it wasn't haunted!!!

 my 3 am, after ghost hunting breakfast dates...
I think Mark's beyond tired and gone goofy on me! 

After a sleepy, relaxing Sunday, I cooked dinner, took Abby back to Olathe and when I came home I took a picture of Kane Canyon 
forming right here in my own front yard...
the ground is sooo thirsty for rain. :(

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sun, 15 Jul 2012 20:53:00 GMT
Day 176...Ghost Hunting! Day 176
Mark, Abby, Roxanna and I went on our first paranormal,
ghost investigation together tonight...
These photos were all taken before midnight although
the investigation continued on till 2 am
We had fun and it really was very interesting and exciting!
We really want to do this again.
 toys left for the little ghost girl they call "Molly"

 wish I'd looked close enough to see what the album was...but I didn't

 my husband accidentally "creeped" into the frame just as I was taking this!
look at those eyes!!

 tic tac toe board ...not sure why that's there

 Abby using the dowsing rods ...
one of many tools used to aide in communication with spirits

Old tub in one of the old folks home rooms...
can you imagine needing to be in an old folks home and having to 
climb in and out of one these old tubs? Poor people :(

Last, but not least, the only photo I have that I think has something 
"interesting" in it...maybe you'll see it right away like I did or maybe not...
I really don't know, but I do see it...can you find what I see???

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sat, 14 Jul 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 175...An Off Day Day 175
 Not such a good day today.
And I didn't even realize the date...Friday the 13th
Bad day for photo's too...:(
I can't really say why.
Sometimes, it just is what it is.
But then again
Not just sometimes,
it is what it is
all the time

 a sad Clematis vine...just too much heat
I'm so happy I took a photo of the beautiful blooms a while back.

 Poor shot? Oh well, just play around with it for fun!

Fall leaves? Green shrubs? What season is it, anyway?
A VERY hot summer!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Fri, 13 Jul 2012 19:51:00 GMT
Day 174...Summertime Flowers Day 174
More flowers to enjoy... the scorching sun has yet to ruin these...
 Garden Phlox...pretty, but past their peak

 a tiny cluster of Phlox just sprouting up from the ground
 my "windblown hair" sunflower, all opened up! 

a floating Daisy!!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Thu, 12 Jul 2012 21:59:00 GMT
Day 173...Memory Lane Day 173
A drive through the old neighborhood of our childhood always brings back
memories and emotions.
So many things change and yet some things remain the same.
My husband is standing in front of the house his grandpa built for his parents, the house he was born and raised in, the first house he purchased for himself and the home he brought his own first born child home to.
So much history, so many memories and now it stands vacant, a HUD house....sad.

I'm not sure where this door leads to or what's behind it 
but I'm sure I'm imagining something much more 
exciting and/or scary than whatever really does lie within!

My "man in the moon cloud"... :)

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Wed, 11 Jul 2012 21:47:00 GMT
Day 172...Around Town Day 172
Mark and I took off for a couple of hours this afternoon for lunch 
and made some stops around the city for some photos too!
I'm glad he felt back to his old self today...
Yesterday was a real "trip," to say the least...
Poor least I now know he does not do well with anesthesia but
he sure did provide me with enough entertaining moments that I now have stories to tell...
I know, amusement and laughter at his expense...I'm bad!

First stop...Lunch at La Sala's...Mmmm

Railroad bridge over the MO River

A couple of sights to behold!! Yard art anyone?
 These were taken in the West Bottoms
Cool old building with graffiti
[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Tue, 10 Jul 2012 17:58:00 GMT
Day 171... A Solo Photo... Day 171
Boy am I glad I went out early this morning to catch a shot of the final Hardy Hibiscus 
that color that is. As it turns out, this was my only shot taken today. 
It was a surprisingly busy, hectic day. 
I thought I'd have time to go out and about looking for a photo
but Mark ended up having some 
unexpected side affects from anesthesia when he got a tooth pulled...
Poor guy was sick as a dog, fell down (or out of the car) in the garage when we got home. I'm not sure which. I just know I turned around and he was on the garage floor
(thank God he didn't hurt himself) 
Anyway, he felt really crummy for the rest of the day and 
I spent the rest of my day making sure he didn't do anything else to hurt himself.
I pretty much stayed by his side till I tucked him in bed a couple of hours ago...:)

Here's the solo photo I snapped this morning while outside having coffee!
Since all the Hibiscus plants were pulled out years ago, I wasn't sure what colors I had growing back this year when three separate plants sprouted up...Now I know!
I have this all White one, a White with Red center and a Pink one too! 
They're sooo pretty!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Mon, 09 Jul 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 170...Some Beauty Survives Day 170
Going along with yesterdays post, I have another victim of this scorching hot summer 
but some flowers have fared well for the most part
and still show their beauty despite the wicked heat!
I really, really love Sunflowers and this little one in particular!!!
Looking at this Sunflower reminded me how it feels when the wind blows
my hair across my face from one side to the other.
Like when your driving in the car with the windows down! 
I have a love/hate relationship with that feeling! lolol

 This Hardy Hibiscus is all rolled up and ready for nighty, night!

 Another Summer love of mine...Brown-Eyed Susans... :)

My Magnolia tree is definitely showing signs of distress from the horrible heat...:(
[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sun, 08 Jul 2012 21:06:00 GMT
Day 169...Summer Sun Scorch...:( Day 169
Although I love the warm weather and would take 105* over anything below 50*
I must admit it's sad to see my flowers burn up under the 
stress of the scorching summer sun.
Watered daily, they will live and new life shines through...
But the effects of the scorching hot sun can clearly be seen.
 this burnt little baby is surrounded by fresh blooms...Hope!

This Zinnia variety really took a hard hit...
Odd though, it's a variety mix of colors and the only ones that burned up 
were the Orange ones...interesting.

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sat, 07 Jul 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 168..."Winey" Grapes Day 168
Went out to the winery this evening and decided to check out the grapes while I was there.
they look so delicate ... it's hard to believe they become that "yummy stuff" in the bottle...:)

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Fri, 06 Jul 2012 21:31:00 GMT
Day 167...Another Hibiscus :) Day 167
I couldn't resist yet another shot of one of my Hibiscus shrubs that have come back to visit me 
after being pulled up 6 years ago to plant tomatoes...
Obviously they were NOT all pulled up!!!
It took them a few years but I guess they thought it was time to make their comeback!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Thu, 05 Jul 2012 21:27:00 GMT
Day 166...Fireworks Photos, 2012 Day 166
I had two separate opportunities to "shoot" fireworks this year.
I was at the lake this past weekend and shot some of the display at Truman Dam.
This evening, Mark and I parked ourselves on a hill 
near the display location here in Liberty...
I was so disappointed. I'd say 95% of the display never made it above the power line and street light level (from our observation point, that is.)...And we were on a HILL!!!
 My fireworks photos from 2012! 
July 4, 2012 ~ Liberty, Mo

July 4, 2012 ~ Liberty, MO

 July 4, 2012 ~ Liberty, MO

July 4, 2012 ~ Liberty, MO
July 4, 2012 ~ Liberty, MO
  July 4, 2012 ~ Liberty, MO

 July 4, 2012 ~ Liberty, MO

 July 4, 2012 ~ Liberty, MO

 June 30, 2012 ~ Truman Dam ~ Warsaw, MO

 June 30, 2012 ~ Truman Dam ~ Warsaw, MO

June 30, 2012 ~ Truman Dam ~ Warsaw, MO
 June 30, 2012 ~  Truman Dam ~ Warsaw, MO

 June 30, 2012 ~ Truman Dam ~ Warsaw, MO

June 30, 2012 ~ Truman Dam ~ Warsaw, MO

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Wed, 04 Jul 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 165...The Big OLD Bur Oak Day 165
I've been wanting to photograph the old Bur Oak tree
outside of Columbia, MO for a long time now.
We decided to make the journey today...
Another day trip!
We've been by it before when riding bikes on the Katy Trail a few years ago
but I didn't have a camera with me on that particular trip.
This time, with the heat being an issue, we decided against taking the bikes and did a Mapquest on how to get there by car!!! It was quite a drive on a hilly, curving, two lane highway once you got off of I-70 but we found it! When you're biking on the trail,
 it's only about a mile off the trail! 
We had a lot of fun today... another "Mark and Gayle adventure" as Mark always says...:)
 Sunrise on I-70

350+ year old big Bur Oak Tree...On the National Register of Big Trees

Putting things in perspective...Mark's 6'2"

"Trees are your best antiques" ~ Alexander Smith
Here's a link to more info on the tree if you're interested!

We also took a gravel road that led to an old cemetery...found this interesting headstone!

and Mark got White Castle too... :)
[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Tue, 03 Jul 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 164...A Trip to Jamesport, MO Day 164
Today, Mark and I took a day trip to Jamesport, MO.
One of our favorite places to go.
It's really nothing special, I suppose.... 
but we love the country and driving through this Amish community never gets old for us. 
We always make the trip to buy our spices at H & M Country Store,
cheese from the creamery, 
and whatever other goodies we decide we want too!
This time we also purchased two new chairs for our little kitchen table. 
Can't wait to get them!
Here's a few sights found driving the gravel roads around Jamesport!

I love the look of this old antique store on the way into Jamesport
but I've yet to see it open when we pass by.
One day I'll get to stop in and see what it's really like inside!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Mon, 02 Jul 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 163...Do You See What I See? Day 163
Although we found it was closed on Sunday's, there will be another visit to this little place!!!
Do you see what I see?
A little Hummingbird coming in for a drink at The Hummingbird Tea Room!
Not a great Hummingbird photo but still a fun surprise... :)

After arriving home from our lake weekend I was surprised and happy to see this bright little visitor helping itself to my Coneflower seeds! We don't get many Yellow Finches here at our feeders but I never give up. 
I keep their Finch food filled and fresh! They just don't seem to like my yard.
 I've never seen more than two at a time and only a couple of times a season.
I'm happy I caught this shot!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sun, 01 Jul 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 162...The Lake, Bits and Pieces :) Day 162

 Spending time at the lake with friends is one of my favorite things to do! 
We had a blast, ate too much, talked and laughed a lot! 
Ya can't ask for more than that!
through the screen...

 Lonely Fall leaf...evidence of cooler days gone by.

 The "real deal"...VW hippy van!

Neighbors dock
 Swimming beach at sunset...Truman Dam.

Truman Dam fireworks

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sat, 30 Jun 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 161...65 HWY, 65 MPH Day 161
Heading South out of Sedalia on our way to the lake for the weekend 
I did my best to catch a couple of sunset shots out the car window...

♪ ...keep it between the lines... ♪
[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Fri, 29 Jun 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 160...Any Shot Will Do...:) Day 160
When the clock is closing in on midnight and I'm in need of a photo....
there are four animals who reside at this address...
I took advantage of that fact after scrambling to prepare for a weekend away!
 Realizing I had no photo of the day, I chose Michi as my subject....
I also took a shot (no pun intended) of the "drink ingredients"
I'd set out to take on the weekend getaway, 
but decided on the cat photo... 
Maybe not as much fun, but cuter!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Thu, 28 Jun 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 159... A Gazing Shot Day 159
Hot, tired and ready to relax I was out in the good ole backyard!
It seems when I think there's just nothing more to photograph out there,
I always find something....
A gazing ball sunset
[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Wed, 27 Jun 2012 20:16:00 GMT
Day 158...A Day For ME! Day 158
Really had a fun time today with Pat D. and Julie N.!
We went scouting for photos and I shot over 200
Here's a few from our day out today!

 old church steeple in Excelsior
 What's for lunch? Go here, it was so good...I'm going back for sure!

above, I love the bright retro look the Diner still has today...
 but I also like the look of the aged photo below

Watkins Mill 
This scene below is my favorite view at Watkins Mill...I love walking this
 another favorite view at Watkins Mill

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Tue, 26 Jun 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 157...Summer Yum! Day 157
Time to catch up blogging...once again, I've managed to get days behind...
SOOO, keepin' it short and "sweet"...(ah ha, no pun intended, buy hey, it works!)



 (in case you didn't know)  

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Mon, 25 Jun 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 156...Now, I Know! Day 156
Now I know how the grape jelly occasionally ends up on the ground!!!
I looked out my kitchen window early this morning and this is what I saw...
Time to pull out the BB gun again!
Except, I'm such a bad shot... :/

Mangy Critter

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sun, 24 Jun 2012 18:00:00 GMT
Day 155...Summer & Cemetery Day 155
There's really nothing that says "Summer" any better than the taste of Sweet Corn! I love it!
A trip to city market was all it took to find some of the best! Last week Mark brought home a dozen and I went back for another dozen this morning! 
Can't wait to have some for dinner tomorrow!

My afternoon was fun and educating also. That's always a good thing! 
I went on a photography club field trip to Union Cemetery in Kansas City, Mo. .... 
A fascinating, historical location here in our city. I'd never been there before. It's sad to see it becoming run down. One more historical site that our city doesn't value enough to claim as history and make a priority. Very Sad. 

 out of over 4,000 headstones in the cemetery, I walked up to this one. 
This person was born 105 years to the day before I was!
There are over 55,000 graves recorded there at the cemetery. Only 8% are marked with a tombstone.

This chained and padlocked gate is the entrance to the McGee family Mausoleum.
(as in McGee Street)
[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sat, 23 Jun 2012 21:50:00 GMT
Day 154...Tilled To The Surface Day 154
When my husband and I first moved into our home seven summers ago the entire West side fence line was lined with Hardy Hibiscus...I'm not really sure that's their actual name, but I do know they're Hibiscus of some "hardy, perennial type"...
Second year we lived here, they were pulled out to make room for tomatoes to grow since this was the only sunny location in our yard. 
As sad as I was to see them go, I too wanted tomatoes! 
After six years, (last year 2011) one lonely plant came back and produced beautiful blooms! I think maybe when Mark tilled the soil it brought something back close enough to the surface to grow...either that or it just took that long for them to start growing back! Either way, it came back and this year I have three growing along my fence line again and plenty of room for our tomatoes too!  I vaguely remember there were different colors so I'm anxious to see what color bloom the other two plants will produce! 
This one is the first to bloom!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Fri, 22 Jun 2012 21:27:00 GMT
Day 153....Thank You, Mother Nature! Day 153
Finally we got some rain! 
1 1/4 inches here at my house in Liberty. 
I know of a lot of people, near and far that got varying amounts but I know we're all just so happy to have any rain at all! It was wonderful hearing it roll through during the night and 
even nice to walk around the yard this morning while it was still sprinkling...
It felt so good!!!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Thu, 21 Jun 2012 21:15:00 GMT
Day 152...Easy Choices Day 152
Easy, easy day at of my fav to the Dr.
(wearing the damn boot again for at least the next three weeks...:/ goody, goody)
then home to burgers on the grill and fresh corn on the cob...can't beat that!!
Went out to water and was very entertained by watching the Momma Robin dive bomb Mark...All he had to do was walk toward the gate, closer to where their nest is and she was on him in a flash...
it was comical to watch! 
It was almost time to go watch the new Dallas show so I reverted back to "easy and reliable" and caught a couple more garden pics...I may be bored with the garden photos I'm taking these days but I know it will be fun looking back on them next year or even later this summer and fall when they're no longer beautiful and/or gone. Also, at this point, I may as well make the effort to document at least one shot of every flower I have in my yard...not really such an effort at all!!!
 I really think the colors of Kale are just as pretty as flowers...I love it and am so glad my husband introduced me to it a few years ago... Of course, I'd seen it and knew what it was but had never grown it...
I think the purple veins against the green leaves are gorgeous!
 I call this one..."Waiting on Susan"... 
I also love, love, love the Black Eyed Susans...they look so pretty with the Coneflowers!

These are Wildflower Coneflowers that I started a few years ago. I purchased the starter plant from a nursery out of Jeff City that promotes wildflowers here in MO.
[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Wed, 20 Jun 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 151...My Little Town Day 151
Today I chose to walk away from the housework and all other duties needing to be done 
just to go out, wander around my town and try to capture some nice shots of 
Liberty, home! 
And one I really love, at that!
Initially I was only going to drive down to the square which had been suggested to me by my sister in law, Julie, as a unique location...But as much as I like our town square, it's just hard for me to "feel" the photo ops there with all the cars parked everywhere and for me, some of the buildings aren't really so attractive. But then again, I need to develop those skills of being better able to "see" the possibilities. That's not my forte but I do believe it can be learned or at the very least honed to the best of my ability! I was planning on just driving through the square to see if something caught my eye and then moving on to who knows where but then I remembered what I was told just not too long ago...
...A photography teacher  told me that I was "very technical and thought I didn't have that "artistic vision" because when it came to my line of artistic work as a hairstylist, there was no room for have to get it right or you won't have clients coming back....(very true words)...he then went on to say that with photography, I had a memory card in my digital camera that required no financial investment in hard copy prints or loss, other than my time, so just go out and shoot, shoot, shoot and shoot some more...Erase the card and shoot some more, if you have to, he said...You can't just keep re-doing someones hair, over and over and over and over if you don't get it right the first time but you can with photography and you will develop your skills."
That made me feel so much better about learning photography...There was a time when as much as I loved it, I wasn't sure I could be good at it. Or at least what I think of as "good"...but he gave me the confidence to keep trying and the belief that it can be learned and helps, but not everyone can be a "natural"...
Today held more learning for me! I wish I could say it was a total success of a photography day out but first, shooting in the mid day, bright sun isn't easy and I forgot one very elementary tool that I own and normally always have on my lens....the lens hood... :/ Not only did I forget it but I just flat out didn't think to put it was in the car in my camera bag the whole time...I sure remembered it when I uploaded the shots to my computer and saw the lens flares and glare on some of my photos...
Errrrr, another lesson learned...
I ended up staying right here in Liberty for my photos today but ventured off the square and into some of the historical, quaint parts of my little town...the photos for today are plentiful, (along with the blogging, I know) and all in all it was a good day for me! I met a lady named Lori who allowed me to photograph her beautiful home, had a really fun visit with her, enjoyed my time out and about immensely and learned some photography lessons as well...
I didn't get the perfect photos I wanted but hey...I learned something!!!
It's all good, after all... :)

 walking down Kansas Street

so many quaint, beautifully restored homes to look at and photograph
but I loved this one most...
I felt the owner had added all the right touches...I loved it! 

 above and below, a couple of different editing choices...
I liked the originals as well so I decided to include them all in my blog today!

 Potting shed or outdoor party bar??? I vote BOTH!!! Found this on a side street!

 On the square!

 Church and another flower lined sidewalk on Kansas Street. so pretty!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Tue, 19 Jun 2012 21:01:00 GMT
Day 150...A Flower Spider? Day 150
While outside watering and pulling weeds, you really have a chance to see things in your garden that might otherwise go unnoticed....I like that! In fact, not only do I like that, but I needed that today. I've been feeling a little on the boring side lately for always turning to my garden for a photo.
Sometimes just finding the extra time to get out and about for a photo is kind of hard to do. 
At least with my work schedule it is...or maybe it's just me...hmmm, food for thought...
But today, while once again using my garden as grounds for hunting down a daily photo I realized that if it weren't for those watering and weed pulling chores I probably would not even have noticed this quite unique little individual that calls it's self a Coneflower...and I thought she deserved to have her very own day!
I'm thinking I will name it "Flower Spider"

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Mon, 18 Jun 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 149...Feathered Fathers and Flowers... :) Day 149
Happy Father's Day, Mark!
I spent quite a bit of my day today trying to catch the Orioles at my backyard feeder but can't seem to get any shot I like. I just don't think it's in the cards for me to capture a good bird shot until I save my pennies and get that longer lens I need to achieve the close ups!
 In due time, I suppose!
I also spent some time watering the plants and preparing dinner but I did catch an updated shot of the Robins nest outside my kitchen window,
 and a couple of flower photos that personally, I really like!
I love vibrant, brightly colored flowers and these really shine in those categories!!

 Daddy Robin bringing berries to the babes!! :)


[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sun, 17 Jun 2012 21:31:00 GMT
Day 148...Somebody Got Rain Day 148
After Mark and I left Bravo Italian Restaurant we drove around 
looking for something interesting to photograph...
that's always an adventure when you really have nothing particular in mind.
This evening, it was more clouds, sunsets and helicopters.
Unfortunately, my "good" foot has finally decided to show me that it needs the attention I should've given it a few months ago...My photo's were taken from the car since I couldn't really walk without assistance after leaving Bravo....:(  
The furthest I made it away from the car without Mark was I got out and stood next to the car when we stopped to watch the radio controlled helicopters... :/
I had a little trouble with getting my exposure correct on these so I "fiddled" a little more than I like to with them but I still love the clouds! 
Honestly, with my foot hurting, I was more concerned at the moment about falling, damaging my camera and lens, that I really wasn't paying attention to my settings... :/
 somewhere, someone was getting rain from these puffs in the sky!

power lines and all...still a beautiful sunset
the man who controlled this helicopter was very good...this little toy danced all over the sky above us!
[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sat, 16 Jun 2012 20:55:00 GMT
Day 147...National Nature Photography Day Day 147
Beautiful clouds seemed to be plentiful today. The stark blue skies were filled with
puffy, brilliant and stormy
  looking white clouds that teased us with thoughts of rain...

 The blackened edges of these clouds brought no rain though...
at least not for us anyway.

 On our way shopping this evening we passed this agricultural field sprayer.
Definitely NOT a part of nature.

One bunch of my Coneflowers... :) 
a garden flower I love!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Fri, 15 Jun 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 146...Old, or Young? Day 146
The days just go by way too fast...but then again, would there ever be enough time to do all the things we want to accomplish in one day? I don't think so.
Not much photography time was included in my day today.
While eating my dinner this evening and watching out my kitchen window the birds all started arriving for their evening meal. A couple of weeks ago I was sure the Orioles had all moved on. We hadn't seen any for nearly a week but I kept the jelly and oranges out because I'd noticed that many other birds were enjoying them also. About five or so days after not seeing any Orioles at all, they were flocking at my feeder once again!!! But very obviously they were different birds, which I found interesting. I think they're juveniles as I've watched some of them grow more attractive by the day...but this one, I'm not sure.
It's pretty scraggly looking. I don't know if he's a young one still growing into his beauty or an old withered one!

My Dragonfly garden  art "thingamagiggy"

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Thu, 14 Jun 2012 19:58:00 GMT
Day 145...Canine Children Day 145
Part of yesterdays trip to Lawrence also included picking up my 
oldest daughter Kaley and her baby Birdie...:)
Kaley is off to Florida on vacation and we are sitting our granddog! 
(something's definitely wrong with this picture..she's in Florida and we're dog sitting!)  :)
Just look at this sweet face...She's a good girl and
Meadow likes having a playmate for a few days too!
Other than a few wrestling matches and races through my garden, so far,we're all good!

I love capturing photos of my doggies but sure wish I'd had that extra second to pay better attention to my composition in this one... :( I turned around to watch the dogs and caught this shot in the split second that my husband was about to throw the ball..
I cut my baby's feet off......errrr :/

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Wed, 13 Jun 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 144...♪...Dizzy, I'm so Dizzy...♪ Day 144
♪...I'm so dizzy, my head is spinnin', like a whirlpool it never ends...♪
That's what looking at this Coneflower made me think of....
Tommy James singing Dizzy.
Today was a nice day at home, spent not doing much of anything except a little housecleaning and then a trip to Lawrence to see all my kiddos... it's good for a Momma's heart to spend time with all her kids together once in while. It's rarer and rarer that happens as they grow up and are out on their own. It was a great afternoon and evening, one filled with passing by many photo ops in an awesome historical town like Lawrence....Go ahead, ask me if I took one single shot while I was there... :( 
I think you know the answer already. But then again, it wasn't about a photo field trip to Lawrence anyway. It was about seeing my kids and grandson! 
The only photo I took all day was this one while outside watering the garden in the morning.
I have other Coneflower photos but I took this one for no other reason than 
I liked the petals in their swirling, twirling position,
blurring into the background, like a child's spinning pinwheel! 
And staring at it's center, nearly made my eyes cross! 
The song"Dizzy" just popped into my head! 

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Tue, 12 Jun 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 143...Morphing Day 143
Have you ever thought about all the little things in nature that we take for granted and
 never really give a second thought to?...
But then you do!!!
My daily walk around the garden really brought a lot to my attention and made me think of things in a whole new way... I love to watch my flowers grow and can't wait for all the different varieties to bloom but I never really thought of the Metamorphosis 
that is taking place right under my nose...
It's really fascinating and pretty awesome when you think about it! 
This evening I had some fun just catching a couple of shots of the "morphing"
going on right here in my own back yard!!!
 Coneflower, almost complete!

 To be, or not to be...a tomato, that is!

from red (or shall we say "green") berries, to yummy Blackberries!
[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Mon, 11 Jun 2012 19:56:00 GMT
Day 142...More Flowers and Feathers! Day 142
For the most part, I took the day OFF today... (ahhhh, sigh)
The most difficult thing I did today was mix epoxy to repair a broken planter box!
I also took a LONG walk....
ALL THE WAY out into my backyard to take this photo! lol
A Lonely Lily

I caught this pretty little Finch while sitting at the kitchen table, 
drinking coffee and bird watching out the window~
More hard work

OH, I did microwave a Hot Dog for lunch too!!!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sun, 10 Jun 2012 14:32:00 GMT
Day 141...The Guest of Honor :) Day 141
Today was Abby's high school graduation party!
Family and friends made it a very special day for her :)
Toward the end of the day, I realized I didn't have one photo of Abby!
How could that be?!!!
Lately it actually seems that I use my camera LESS, instead of more,
when family and friends are gathered.
It kind of makes me sad because you know I'm all about capturing the moment...
but although it's so much fun having everyone here together, it's also very busy and hectic.
Time, (and my camera) seem to get away from me!
Also, where do you draw the line at always having the camera in everyone's face,
 risking the fact that they hate you for it.....well, not really "hate you"...
but I'm pretty sure they tire of it. 
I think it's true what I've read and heard other photographers say..
Sometimes we're too busy trying to capture the moment and as a result of that,
we're not part of the moment.
Today, I was part of every moment!
Not many photos to show for the day but I caught the most important one!
The guest of honor!!!
Here's a photo of beautiful Abby! She happily obliged!!
My fourth and youngest child to graduate from Olathe East High School!
We're so proud of you Abby!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sat, 09 Jun 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 140...An Empty Nest (Cardinal babies update) Day 140
Wow, all I can say is I'm glad I decided to go ahead and take a peek 
before a full week passed from last photo!
I can't believe how much they've changed and grown in just three days! 
Me, being the human Momma, didn't think they should be out of their nest so soon,
 but as you can see, they had other plans! 
It's also hard for me to let nature take it's course when I saw the neighborhood cat in attack position under the pine tree. As of this evening, both babies were still around and I could find both of them although they were no longer in the same bush together.
 I can't figure out how the one little one made it from our Barberry bush to the Pine tree which is about 30 ft. away.
First, here's the photo I took just three days ago, Tuesday, June 5.

Now today, Friday, June 8, here's the two babies, out on their own!!!
One is still in the same bush but out of the nest. Earlier, the other one was still in there also.
I saw them both together before we left the house to run some errands.
When we came home, I only found one in the Barberry bush.
After searching my yard and listening for their little "cheeps"
I found the second one across the yard in the pine tree.
Does anyone know how it got there? I know it can't fly yet.
Do mom and dad pick their babies up and transport them?
Just a little too big for my britches, or so says my human mommy but
 I'm out of the nest and perched in the Barberry shrub!

and this ones waaay too brave for its own good, several feet away in a pine tree!!!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Fri, 08 Jun 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 139...In Memory Day 139
Flags in Olathe, KS were being flown at half-staff in honor and memory of
PFC Cale Miller
who gave his life defending the honor and freedom of our country.
My thoughts and prayers go out to his family.
 I am forever grateful to all who serve our country.

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Thu, 07 Jun 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 138...Home Away From Home Day 138
My home away from home whether I like it or
I like it! Just not 10 hours days of it!
(also a self portrait, of sorts...I see Me!)
I'm past the days of bouncing back like it was nothing to work those hours.
I guess my age is showing... :)

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Wed, 06 Jun 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 137...Birdies-n-Bugs Day 137
 I could say "please don't eat the daisies"....
or "DAMN the bugs that are eating my Coneflowers!!!"
There's always a pest of some sort when you have a garden but my pretty Coneflowers 
haven't even made it into full bloom yet... :(
I just discovered this cobwebby looking stuff tonight. 
Spider mites, maybe? 
I wonder if they eat Coneflowers? Something sure did!

My baby Cardinals... :) 
All I did was move a branch out of my way and I guess they thought it was one of their parents coming to feed them...The INSTANT I touched the branch they popped straight up like this with their little beaks wide sweet...
I hope no pesky mean birds or snake finds them before they can fly!
 I won't be trying for another photo for at least a week.
I don't want to bother them too much.
 they sure do look different than they will later!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Tue, 05 Jun 2012 21:28:00 GMT
Day 136...Fireworks and Feathered Friends Day 136
This Dill reminded me of fireworks!
The ones that burst out high and huge in the sky, 
arcing outwards then slowly string down to the ground below.

I was sitting on the floor of my living room, just inside the bay window
watching and waiting...and waiting!
Then they arrived! Flying in with the evening meal for the babies...
Good Momma and Daddy!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Mon, 04 Jun 2012 20:21:00 GMT
Day 135...It's Coming Together Day 135
At the end of the day today (well, the end of my yard work/gardening I should say) I had to just walk away. No matter how many times I looked at the garden, from any angle, it all seemed to be blurring together and I was feeling like it was NOT coming together. So I took a break and checked on the babies living in my hedges and shrubs...Although I can't see them, I think the Robin babies have hatched by the way the Momma is behaving in the nest. The Cardinal babies in my front yard Barberry shrub have definitely hatched. My husband heard them "chirping" (more like little squeaks) and we peeked in!!! There are two babies in the nest no bigger than my thumb! Mom and Dad fly in an out of there constantly. Daddy Cardinal was keeping his eye on me this afternoon as I stood on my porch thinking I might catch a shot of either him or Momma. Not a very good shot but I love watching them!! No sooner did I go in the house he flew right into the shrub with the babies!

After last year of being out of commission all Summer and nearly all of Fall, my gardens didn't resemble anything but neglect. I promised myself that this year was going to only be a year of getting things back into shape. No big changes. So far, I've stuck to that. I did divide up some perennials and move a few things around but mostly it's been about weed control, adding mulch and just cleaning up. I think it's looking OK but I already can't wait for next year when the few things I have added/changed start to bloom and bring a new touch of beauty to the garden! I've been told so many times by all my experienced gardener friends that it's a continual work in progress but I think my problem is I always feel like I'm 
starting over each year and not really getting anywhere!
Well, it is what it is and it really is OK...maybe not magazine worthy, but it is nice and most definitely a work in progress...I still need to finish my bricks and some other final touches 
but I guess it is "coming together" after all...

My favorite little fun corner of my backyard world...
where Fairies and Gnomes live and play together! :)

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sun, 03 Jun 2012 21:10:00 GMT
Day 134...A Walk About My Yard...Again Day 134
Meadow's keeping track of her new ball! 
And me, I'm keeping track of the Coneflowers about to bloom!
These two different varieties look the most different at the stages they're in now. They seem to look nearly identical after blooming. I have to look very closely to tell any difference at all later. I think there's a minor difference in their centers but even those look very similar later after blooming. 
At least that's what I remember from the last couple of years! 
This year I'll get up close and personal with my camera to see the differences! 

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sat, 02 Jun 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 133...Food For Who? Day 133
There's always something new to learn and a couple of years ago I learned that an Oriole (the bird) loves Grape jelly and Oranges...we go through a lot of these two items during this time of year. I only wish the Orioles would stick around longer though. I don't know where they move on to or why they leave. Maybe it gets too warm for them here once Summer weather really sets in. Mark and I both agree that they seem to be staying around a little longer than usual this year. I will continue to put out the Oranges and Grape jelly now regardless. I've now found that ALL the birds who visit our yard seem to partake of the jelly 
and at the very least, they peck once or twice at the Oranges! 

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Fri, 01 Jun 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 132...On The Way To Fill Up! Day 132
Dang it!...I hate being sick! 
I honestly don't know if it's a cold or allergies but I've figured out real quick like...
And I do, feel like crap, that is...
sorry, so much for my whining...moving on....
Just as I was pulling in the driveway I realized that the tank was on EMPTY!!! 
 Mark took pity on me and drove, we went to get gas and stopped to catch a photo of the day for me...I really didn't even care what I took at this point in time but there's one place I find myself going back to (it's close to home!) and today I thought it might be an easy cloud shot kind of day but they were moving and changing so quickly 
that I wasn't sure what I would be able to catch. 
I still wonder what it will look like when all the construction is completed...
One day, I will post a little album of ongoing construction when it begins... 

at QT for gas...Mark says this is definitely someones restoration about to happen!
Looked like a "heap o junk" to me...:)

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Thu, 31 May 2012 19:26:00 GMT
Day 131...Street Light Play Day 131
Silly? Pitiful? lol...I know, but once I got started, I was kind of having fun!
This is what happened when I went outside to check on the dogs who were taking too long. 
But I had my camera slung over my shoulder and so the fun began! 
How many people do you know who see a street light shining through
the trees in their backyard and start taking photos?
None that I know of!
Now, I'm actually determined to do this again sometime and do a better job of it,
but for now, I definitely need to go to bed! I must be waaaay too
Here are my attempts at creating a heart and my initial...

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Wed, 30 May 2012 21:48:00 GMT
Day 130...Clematis and Coneflowers Day 130
Just another trip around the yard and there's always something to see. 
This time I found how desperately I need a new trellis for my Clematis.
That will be a Fall purchase..
Maybe it leaned over and fell out of the way just so the sun could peek through!

Soon to be Coneflowers!!!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Tue, 29 May 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 129...Garden Pink Day 129
I wanted to get a garden photo today but decided it wasn't time yet...
I haven't quite finished up. 
I have a couple more things to plant and need to get out my garden accessories! 
Just ask Mark how much he loves the gazing ball...lolol
Every year I know he hopes that I'll forget to put it out!
But anyway, as I looked around my garden, camera in hand, I kept coming back to these pink Zinnia's.
 I thought this one looked so perfect that it deserved to be photographed...
I've really grown to like Zinnia's (no pun intended, lol)...I should have planted more!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Mon, 28 May 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 128...Robin~Denise Day 128
Those of you that know us both will "get it"...
 (just me and my goofy sense of humor)
this one's for you, Denise!
Thanks for all the pretty flowers you've added to my gardens! 
 Momma Robin was NOT happy when I opened up my kitchen window, pushed the screen up and started taking photos...and I KNOW she didn't like it one bit when I later went out and trimmed some twigs out of the way so I could get a clear view/better photo next time!
Sorry, Momma Robin!

My Memorial Day weekend photo!!!
(just a small part of my friend Denise's gardens)

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sun, 27 May 2012 21:55:00 GMT
Day 127...Market Day 127
Mark and I went to city market this morning before
coming home to work on the flower gardens...
Here's a few shots as we were making our way through market!
 Pretty bedding plants, ready for your garden!

 Turnips, Radishes and Beets, anyone?

 Breakfast, City Market style! My favorite part of a trip to market...

 but today we ate breakfast at Los Alamos...:)
this beautiful Hollyhock was growing in a VERY raised bed garden along Summit St.

An onion bloom from my own garden!
I don't know why but I really, really like these onion flowers.
Too bad they don't stay like this for a longer period of time!
[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sat, 26 May 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 126...Delicious and Beautiful! Day 126
Busy, busy day! When I got home from work Mark asked where I wanted to eat and I just said... "I don't care, you pick" I was too tired to really care although the only thing I'd thought of that day was Corner Cafe! A gal I work with and I had been talking about it earlier in the day and from then on, that's all I thought of for dinner...why I didn't just say I'd like to go to Corner Cafe, I don't know...but I sure was happy when Mark turned the corner and I realized that's exactly where he was going!!! He'd definitely read my mind!
We tend to do that ALL THE TIME!!

The sky was so gorgeous a couple of hours after I took the photo above..
two nice ways to end my day, good food and a beautiful sunset

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Fri, 25 May 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 125....Rain! Day 125
We got some rain!!!
As I was sitting in my recliner relaxing after work, watching the rain pour down I thought maybe I could use the cover of my front porch to step out on to and catch a shot of something, anything. My neighbors had been out, sitting under the canopy of their motor home and I thought I might catch that as my photo of the day but they had moved inside as the rain became harder...I could only take one step outside on my porch too without being drenched so my photo of the day is this sad little Impatient in the corner of my front porch, protected from the sun, but also not getting any of the wonderful rain pouring down.
Poor little plant must feel like a neglected child...only getting water from a hose! 

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Thu, 24 May 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 124...Gazebo Completed! Day 124
Today while visiting my mom I remembered to take my camera in and catch a shot of the completed gazebo in the courtyard at Evergreen Community in Olathe, KS. It all looks very beautiful. I'm so happy the residents have this gorgeous garden to call their own. I know my mom loves looking out her window into the courtyard and seeing all the birds that fly in to her feeders. And now she has the gazebo in sight also! 
Here's the finished product!
For all my photography buddies, I had a little fun playing around with all my sliders in Lightroom3 on this one...
I usually just stick to the "Basics" 
Being self-taught through Googling my questions and viewing You Tube video's, 
I realize I have limited knowledge on what Lightroom can really do for me...
 but...little by little I'm learning!! This one was a total experiment in just moving the sliders back and forth.
[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Wed, 23 May 2012 21:46:00 GMT
Day 123...T-Ball Time :) Day 123
Possibly my all time, favorite photo of Jaxson...what an angel face!

Time for some outdoor fun with the little "Do-Da" (as PaPa calls all the babies)...
"OK PaPa, so I put the ball up here..."

"...what do you mean hit it?"

"never mind, it's time for a bat snack"

headin' back in...he's done

"GiGi, seriously, it's no big deal...I only ate a little bird seed"

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Tue, 22 May 2012 21:40:00 GMT
365 Consecutive Days?...Not :( May 21, 2012 Monday, May 21st, 2012
 I failed to take a photo...:(
I've spent as many hours as I ever have sitting at this computer today. 
Mulling over photos, choosing what I thought was best, and
spent time in the yard gardening too.
Cooked dinner, then spent a little more time on yard work.
Then more editing and uploading...
It wasn't until 12:06am (Tuesday morning)
that I realized I'd not taken a photo all day on Monday, 
and it was too late to do so...:(
So, just like a school kid that doesn't do their homework....ya gotta make it up!
This is my first flub up in 123 days so I don't feel too bad.
I didn't number this particular blog on purpose. I only dated it so there wouldn't be a date missing.
I will number the days I take photos. That way I won't lose track of my actual 365 days of photos!!
They're just no longer consectutive...:(
Now it's 1:04 am on Tuesday morning and I am DONE!! Long day!
[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sun, 20 May 2012 23:07:00 GMT
Day 122...Graduation Day Day 122
What could be better to blog about than my daughters high school graduation!
I'm so proud of you Abby!!! 
Just remember...
You is kind, You is smart, You is important    ~"The Help"
 Our "Shabby" as Mark has called her since the day he met her...:) 

 The happy graduate...can ya tell?

 Abby smiling at her sisters who proceeded to yell 
"Shark bait, Oh Ha Ha" ...their favorite line from Finding Nemo....Love my girls!

 My gorgeous kids....Michael, Abby, Roxanna and Kaley

Abby and her Momma...that would be ME...
(btw, I didn't take this photo) ... :)

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sun, 20 May 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 121...We All Scream for Ice Cream! Day 121
Spent the morning at work, 
the afternoon with a good friend taking photos of her and her fiance... 
Brandi and Steve
(this is one of my favorites!)

and then I talked Mark into taking me to Dari-B :)
no better way to end the day!!!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sat, 19 May 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 120...Friday Fun! Day 120
Our "Friday fun, food at Freddy's with our feisty little fellow!!!
Now say that fast five times!
 Love those skinny burgers and shoestring fries!!! Yummy!
 Little boys and their sticks!!! 
Teagon finds one (or more) first thing when he hits the back yard! 
Gotta have a stick!
I will whack that leaf off it it takes me 10 times...(probably close to it) :)

 AND...he got it!!

 "GiGi, this is the sweetest, cheesiest grin I've got!"

why not throw some onion blossoms in this mix!
[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Fri, 18 May 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 119...Mother's Day Flowers
Day 119

My kids know me well, very well...:)
Daisies are my favorite flower and I especially love Gerbera Daisies...:)
There are at least four or five in the arrangement but I liked this angle best...
it shows the variety of flowers in the bouquet!
Thank you sweet Abby for picking these out for me!
I realized this evening that I hadn't taken a photo of this precious bouquet and thought I'd better remedy that right away!
 Now I will forever be able to remember these special flowers!

Voila!!! Photo for the day!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Thu, 17 May 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 118...I'm Such A Slacker...:( Day 118
I've had some problems with procrastination in the last few months...I'm usually much better than this.
Graduation announcements, in my opinion, are somewhat like Christmas long as you get them sent out within the "season" you're all good, right? Please say yes...:)
My late night job this evening! Assembly time...purchase stamps and in the mail tomorrow...
At least they're in the mail before graduation day, right?!!!
my last bit of slacking today comes in the form of ...
photo taken with PnS, glaring flash AND set on "that dreaded little green square"...
go ahead, just give up on me...I'm about there myself...
Well, then again, tomorrow's a whole new day!
I get to start all over!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Wed, 16 May 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 117...Harley Plant Tour

Day 117
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Harley-Davidson Kansas City Plant Tour
The tour was very interesting! I would suggest it to anyone who is even remotely interested in the history of our fabulous Amercan companies! This one has a great story! No cameras were allowed on the tour so I just caught a couple shots of these signs in the front of the touring center to remember my day by. There were beautiful bikes sitting on the floor in the gift store/ touring center area and cameras were allowed in that area but to be honest,
bikes just sitting around really didn't interest me much.

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Tue, 15 May 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 116...After Hours Editing Day 116
Funny thing happened on the way to ...the end of my day :)
No photos taken, a busy day that flew by! 
It was so beautiful outside and I know I missed out on many opportunities, but before I knew it, it was late into the evening and I was sitting in front of the computer editing my daughters senior photos when I decided this would be my photo of the day.
Here's what I do late at night...edit photos!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Mon, 14 May 2012 20:53:00 GMT
Day 115...Hummingbird Moth (Mother's Day) Day 115
While outside this evening, winding down my Mother's day with watering flowers and scoping out my birdies as they came in for their evening meal, this little "Hummingbird Moth" found me!
Interesting as it may be, it's really nothing more than an garden PEST!
In it's most evil state it's a Horn worm that will devour our Tomatoes... :(
Right now, this moth is enjoying nectar from my sweet little Primroses but it wont be long before it's laying it's pesky Horn worm eggs on the leaves of our Tomato plants...:(
Have you ever seen a Horn worm? I HATE them...they're enough to give you nightmares!
I have a feeling I'll be posting a photo of one of those sometime relatively soon!

Mark told me what this pesky little thing was so I researched it a bit to add some info to my blog.
(just in case you're interested!)
I chose this particular link because it had the exact photo of the moth I photographed this evening

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sun, 13 May 2012 19:47:00 GMT
Day 114...Siblings, Weeds and Bumble Bees! Day 114
There are no words that can truly express a mom's pride in her children when you see they've become self-sufficient, independent and successful adults...You've watched them struggle, cling to their dreams and feel their frustrations and pain as they work so hard to achieve their goals......
 and then they get there...THEY DO IT!!
(and they give you beautiful grandchildren too)...:)
I'm so proud of you Michael...I guess I did something right because God gave you to me!

(: ...Michael and his wife, my daughter-in-law, Margo!... :)

Roxanna, Michael and Kaley
Three of my fabulous kids!!!

My fabulous baby girl, Abby(L), Jacob and Mackenzie
Abby had to be at a High School grad party that was being thrown at a friends house. She was one of three guests of honor (the three have been friends since kindergarten and decided to have a combined party for all their friends)'s so hard when there are conflicts on important dates and both of these occasions had been set before anyone realized they were on the same day...:(
Mark and I sped away right after graduation to catch up with Abby and her special day!

weeds to some, wildflowers to another...either way, I love them...
walking to the car after the graduation ceremony...I had to get a shot of this too!

beautiful little walk to the Independence Events Center from the outermost parking lot
[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sat, 12 May 2012 21:02:00 GMT
Day 113...T.G.I.F. Day 113
Friday's here and this time it really is my Friday!!! :)
Another day filled with added activities on top of work!
But I got it all accomplished, delivered and went to dinner at Rancho Grande with Mark and drank a "Kick Butt" Margarita (that's what I call their Margarita's)...but then again, I am pretty much a lightweight so I don't know...I just know I like 'em!!!
This is another one of those "the only photo I took" kinda days!
A little backyard view through the Onions and Shard
[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Fri, 11 May 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 112...Evening Daylily Day 112
Thursday was another long day filled with work, (which I'm always grateful for,) errands, visiting Momma and another late evening arrival home...(sigh)
BUT, I did manage to get home right before dark, grab my camera and catch a shot of a Daylily that had not bloomed when I left this morning!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Thu, 10 May 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 111...Too Tired=No Effort Day 111
As much as I hate to admit it...long work days are starting to get to me.
Today was one of those days (and it really wasn't THAT bad.) Home from work about 8pm, ate dinner, checked my email and remembered I had yet to take a photo for the day...I then also remembered that I'd left my camera in the car which meant I'd have to go get it...
(you know that's such a long walk to the
My trusty little PnS was sitting on my sewing table, so handy, so I took this picture of little Daisy, sleeping soundly as I crossed the hall to my room!
I climbed into bed and was as fast asleep as she in no time at all!
[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Wed, 09 May 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 110...Survivor Day 110
Last Mother's Day someone in the family brought my mom a potted miniature rose bush. Maybe one of my kids or one of my siblings, I'm not really sure...Anyway, as time went by it began to suffer indoors and didn't look like much of anything so I asked my mom what she thought about me bringing it home to plant. She liked the idea!!! Some people told me it wouldn't make it because they are forced in greenhouses to produce flowers and not intended to plant and others told me that it would make it just fine...Well, it did!!! It looks a bit scraggly as a whole right now. I need to get a trellis for it. I thought it would be more of a bush but some of the flower stems are longer and laying on the ground like they need support...I thought this one looked just PERFECT!

A little survivor!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Tue, 08 May 2012 19:34:00 GMT
Day 109...Hidden Treasures Day 109
As my day went by today I suddenly realized about noon that I had no photo taken and  would soon be under the influence of Valium, once again,
 to help me make it through another MRI.
Me, under the influence, wobbly, camera in hand...uh, not a good combo...
So, before leaving the house to pick up my prescription, Alia and I went on a little backyard hunt for flowers to shoot...something new!
She soon hollered to me that she'd found one! "A pink one, GiGi!"
Sure enough, back along the fence line one of my sad little Peonies that no longer get the light they need had found it's way through some brush and was peeking out! I'm sure many, many years ago when the original owner planted the Peonies there was ample sunlight. Now there's just so many trees and shrubs to block the light.
Alia's Pink Peony

Last year was the first time I've seen the Spiderwort produce a white bloom. So far it's only these two little flowers. I'd actually forgotten about them until they just bloomed again. Last year I'd thought that maybe it was a fluke. I hope I get more. I love the combination of the two different colors together... :) 

Sweet little Chamomile plant.
[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Mon, 07 May 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 108...Fly Little Bird, Please Day 108

This morning, just after waking up, I looked out the bedroom window 
and saw that Mark was outside preparing to till.
As I was making the bed I heard a thud against the bedroom window and thought Mark was being silly, thinking I was still asleep and threw something up at the window...
(I should've known better though, he wouldn't risk breaking a window) 
I opened the window and he looked up at me and said "did you hear that?"
Which I had, of course.
I looked down to the ground and saw the poor little bird that had just flown into our window lying on the ground below with it's little wings fluttering...:(
Does anyone know for sure what this little one is?
I know it's not a Sparrow.
I think it may be a Thrush of some kind, but not positive.

 Poor little thing's heart was racing so fast.

 We were afraid for a few minutes that it wasn't going to make it.

 Mark was about to touch it as it was sitting on the table and it climbed right onto his finger!

Shortly after I took this last shot, he sat it back onto the table,
it stayed there for a few more minutes and when he went to touch it again, it flew away!!!!
We were both so happy to see the poor little thing fly!
[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sun, 06 May 2012 10:31:00 GMT
Day 107... Mi Cinco de Mayo Day 107
Well, no Margarita's were consumed by me on this Cinco de Mayo...
and the only Mexican food that crossed my lips was
a Dorito shell taco supreme at Taco Bell...:(
but it's OK, my companion was one of THE BEST I could've asked for...
After work, I visited my Mom, :) ...
found the baby ducks living in the courtyard there at Evergreen,
took a shot of the progress on the gazebo construction there,
 headed home to a steak dinner with Abby and Mark, 
then spent the evening fighting June bugs and listening to coyotes howl all the while watching a beautiful Super Moon rise into the sky!
A busy but really great day!! 
 Danger, danger, kids...someone's found us again!

 Come on, hurry before she gets us!

 Heading away... from me!

 Their source of water, this pitiful little pond in the courtyard...
I'm surprised their mommas even choose this location!
This is the second year that I have seen them nest here in the courtyard. Amazing!

 Gazebo's coming right along!

Cinco de Mayo Super Moon
[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sat, 05 May 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 106...Prim, Proper & Pink Day 106
Native Pink Primrose
Another gift from my friend Denise's garden... :) I have sooo many buds about to open,
I can't wait to see them all in bloom... They're so delicate, I love them!!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Fri, 04 May 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 105...Meadow Loves Abby! Day 105
A very busy day today!
Too much housework and lots of catching up on EVERYTHING after being gone for a long weekend and then spending over 24 hours with Abby at the hospital!
This is the only photo I took all day! But I like it!
My "Shabby" girl (as Mark has always called her) was resting, but on her phone as normal!!!
And Meadow by her side, where she always is when Abby is around!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Thu, 03 May 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 104...My Pretty Birds Arrive! Day 104
The Orioles are Back!

Everybody that knows me, knows I love "my birds!"
The Hummingbirds arrived at my feeder yesterday! Today, Abby and I hadn't been home from the hospital for more than 10 minutes when I saw the first blur of orange fly by my kitchen window!
Now, I'm hoping the Indigo Buntings and Rose Breasted Grosbeaks come back too!
I had lots of them at my feeders two years ago but didn't see them at all last year...:(

I saw Momma first...
they LOVE grape jelly...(I've found out so do LOTS of other birdies)

then Daddy (he decided to go for the oranges first)

and together on a dinner date!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Wed, 02 May 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 103...Abby's surgery Day 103
Abby's Surgery

 Before surgery...nervous and really scared but still managed a smile

 The status update board...# 358791 IN OPERATING ROOM...that's Abby

Resting well after a successful surgery

 Mark and I walked over to d'Bronx deli for lunch after Abby came out of surgery and was settled in her room... found this on the backside of the building...
Christopher Lloyd's "Back to the Future" character...hmmm, ok, whatever! lolol

Several hours later, another Abby smile with the help of a little sisterly smooch and her new little friend "Seymour" the sea lion... "Seymour Butts" Kaley calls him :) I LOVE my girls!!!
[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Tue, 01 May 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 102...Homeward Bound Day 102
Time to head home!
I can't wait to get home and begin to plan
our next weekend getaway!!!
On our way to Weaver's Country Store...So was the buggy!

A very quick stop in Sedalia to take a peek and see how the Eagles were doing.
This was Marks first glimpse of the Sedalia eEgles!
Not such a great pic but seeing them was a very nice part of my Monday!!!
[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Mon, 30 Apr 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 101...Our Stay In Branson Day 101
This morning started out foggy.
Standing at the end of the dock at the fishing village where we stayed!

fog just starting to clear...a little blue sky showing through
 view of our dock from the bluff at the College of the Ozarks... aka "Hard Work U"
 Swan on the little lake at the college!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sun, 29 Apr 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 100...Dogwood Canyon and MORE Day 100
We started our day out with a drive to Dogwood Canyon and took a scenic tram tour through the park. I'm really glad we took that tour but would love to go back and bike ride through it and/or walk. Although our tram driver was amazing, knowing where to slow down for photo opportunities etc., it's still hard to get just the right shot from a moving vehicle driving on a set path...
you just have to take what you can get.
Next time, I'll be on foot!!! Probably one of the most beautiful places I've ever been.
So, so beautiful!!!
I couldn't decide what photos to post so I'm sharing all my favorites! :)

 Our tour guide explained that nearly all the waterfalls in the park are man made.
This one above is one of two natural falls.
 This cave below was discovered while clearing out areas in the park for beautification!

Rainbow Trout

We crossed through the covered bridge as our tour began and
came back across the stream on the way back.

 After leaving Dogwood Canyon we headed to our Zipline location!
This is the fourth and final tower that we zip lined from this afternoon!
The funnest thing I've ever done! It beats any amusement park ride, for sure! WOW!!!

♪...Splish Splash I was takin' a bath, long about a Saturday night...♪
This duck decided it was bath/shower time and landed in the fountain at Branson Landing Shopping area while we were standing there people watching!
[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sat, 28 Apr 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Days 99...Weekend Getaway Begins Day 99
Friday, April 27, 2012
Happy Birthday, Mark...I love you! :)
On our way to Branson! We wondered if we were in for a rainy weekend but we lucked out!
It didn't rain till the morning we left for home!
 Car Ride There

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Fri, 27 Apr 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 98...Peonies Day 98
Some say "pee-oh-knees and some say "pee-uh-knees"
Me, I say "pee-oh-knees"
Either way, they're so pretty, but short lived.
Something this pretty should last longer!! They smell wonderful! You have to bring them in to really enjoy that! Just shake them off good outside and give them a quick cool rinse to get rid of the ants!!! Although, they wouldn't bloom without the ants! I didn't know that for a long time!
Like many other plants, they're flowering nearly a month earlier than usual. I've even heard them referred to as "Decoration Day" flowers because they're usually blooming right about Memorial Day.

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Thu, 26 Apr 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 97...Work :) Day 97
Creating beauty...:)
My home away from home...some of my work family!
This one's kind of a "Where's Waldo/Gayle"
I see me!
[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Wed, 25 Apr 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 96...Brilliant Barberry Day 96
Barberry's can be a booger when it comes time to prune. It has thorns and they do hurt!!! But I love how pretty it looks when the sun is shining through the red tips of the shrub. It really is beautiful! And...It actually looks prettier when I don't prune for a season!
[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Tue, 24 Apr 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 95...Beautiful Spiderwort Day 95
My first little flower to bloom on the Spiderwort!
Sometimes, they just have really odd names, don't they?
What a pretty flower with such an ugly name!
FYI, if you're into planting what's native to our region,
this is one to plant!!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Mon, 23 Apr 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 94...Mommy and Babies Day 94
Baby Goslings and Mommy
[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sun, 22 Apr 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 93...Abby's Senior Prom Day 93
Abby's Senior Prom
 The last prom updo that I'll ever do for one of my girls

the finishing touches to what is already perfection! :)

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sat, 21 Apr 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 92...Visit to Briarcliff
Day 92
 Mark was told by real "Easterners" that this place is the closet you can get to the "real deal" here in Kansas City...I'm not a huge fan of the Philly sandwich but, it was good!!
We decided we would go again!

 fountain up in Briarcliff

 city view from Briarcliff

Visited Mom this afternoon after work
the cement foundation is laid for the gazebo at Evergreen Community!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Fri, 20 Apr 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 91...Springtime Bargain Day 91
The best deal anywhere for hanging baskets is at Sutherlands!!
You can't beat it! I use them around my yard in my own planters.
They're healthy, pretty, and the price is right!
[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Thu, 19 Apr 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 90...God's Promise... (and Kermit) Day 90

I've been waiting to catch a rainbow shot and this morning I had my chance!
No words could describe it's beauty.
About 7:15ish this morning I exited the highway and took the time to catch these shots!
I ended up being ten minutes late for my MRI and who cares!!!
I failed miserably when I had a claustrophobic, panic attack like nothing I ever imagined.
I had to leave and reschedule for when I can be in a more "altered" state of mind!
(the Dr. has now called me in a scrip for Valium)
I'm such a wimp...:(
 BUT, after all that......
I'm REALLY glad I took the time to stop and capture this beautiful rainbow!
The bright spot of my morning!
God's Promise to Noah...Genesis 9:8-17

One of my ALL TIME favorite, feel good songs! :)
[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Wed, 18 Apr 2012 09:37:00 GMT
Day 89...Winter Survivors Day 89
It's kind of a shame that some of this needs to be pulled up
after surviving the winter months.
Another sign of the mild winter we had. 
But, at least for the carrots...Mark says they're going sometime soon!

I leave the vegetable gardening to my husband. He's the pro around here, not me!
I handle the flowers!
I think the Swiss Chard will be fine through this coming season and
I'm really looking forward to that.
Not only can it be eaten but it is beautiful in a vase. The stalks are wonderful bright shades of red, orange, yellow, purple and green. I used it late last Summer in clear glass vases to decorate the food tables at my sons wedding reception.
It was gorgeous and I got tons of compliments on it!

The Kale,'s out of control and I really don't know if my husband will leave it or not.
  He just loves to watch things grow. It should've been pinched back before it flowered,
but that's what I like best, the flowers!!! :)

And once again, last but never least, is my sweet Meadow...
She can even make a weed look pretty...:)
in this case, it's the Kale flowers!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Tue, 17 Apr 2012 18:14:00 GMT
Day 88...Beautiful, Sweet Varieties :) Day 88

As much time as I've spent trying to thin them out,
the amount of Lily-of-the-Valley that I have just keeps growing,
I think I'll give up!
Besides, they really are sweet little flowers
and that's important garden criteria around my yard
so I guess they stay!


 My favorite variety though is an "Alia Lillee"
This one definitely gets to stay! :)

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Mon, 16 Apr 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 87...More of Spring :) Day 87
The Clematis growing up by my mailbox is thriving this year! A tree was removed a few months ago by the city which has allowed for the proper light to shine down and give it the strength it needed to really produce blooms...I see more buds on it than I've ever seen since we moved here six years ago!!!
I can't wait to see it in full bloom!

I also did a little creeping at a neighboring Gnome...:)

I love my "crazy planter"
I don't really know what they're called but that's what I call mine!
I was brave and planted flowers a couple of weeks before Easter and they're lookin' good!!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sun, 15 Apr 2012 19:50:00 GMT
Day 86...100 Years Ago Today Day 86

100 years ago today, the Titanic struck an ice berg.
It took just a little over two hours before she sank in the wee morning hours
of April 15, 1912.
Like so many other people, I grew up hearing and learning about the Titanics tragic ending.
It's always been a story in time that's fascinated me.
Recently, my husband and I went to see the exhibit at Union Station.
I highly recommend going.
Absorbing the history brought to us by the exhibit is worth every penny.
There's no way to even imagine how it must've been but watching all the TV specials lately and seeing the exhibit leaves me with an even stronger, yet sadder fascination of the sinking.
Seeing what's been recovered is absolutely amazing.
 Leila Saks, survived.
She was on her way home to New York for her father, Andrew Saks' funeral.
He was a well known New York merchant and founder of Saks Department Store.

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sat, 14 Apr 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 85...Friday Sights Day 85

I've been wanting to get a shot of the new Mormon temple for quite a while now...this was my first try and was taken on another "drive by shooting" expedition
(meaning Mark behind the wheel with me hanging out the window of a moving vehicle,
camera in hand! lolol)...
I'm hoping to go back again sometime soon on a super clear evening
and catch a shot in the sweet light!!
Glowing and massive, very beautiful.

I thought it might be a fun idea to document construction of the new gazebo at Evergreen community where my mom lives...It's going to be very pretty and such a great addition for the residents to enjoy.
The courtyard has always been nice and this will only add to the beauty!!
I'm wondering how much it will grow before I return on Wednesday! I didn't have my camera with me the day I saw them breaking ground and digging the circle
but it was just a couple of days before this photo.

I can't pass up the opportunity to capture a sunset.
If I have my camera at hand, I'm going to get it!!
Another "drive by."
(Mark's not too crazy about stopping in the middle of an intersection for me but he will slow down!)
A Liberty Sunset

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Fri, 13 Apr 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 84...A Glimmer Day 84

Having an extra day off this week only means one thing in my line of work...
extra busy days when I am back to work!!!
That's OK though, I'm not complaining but as I was driving home in the rain at 7:00pm Thursday evening, I wondered what my photo of the day would be.
As I took my exit I saw that the sun had broken through the heavy clouds making just a glimmer of an appearance before setting for the day. I pulled over, took my camera out of the bag
and shot this through my windshield!

A glimmer in the gloom

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Thu, 12 Apr 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 83...Fly Baby, Fly Day 83

A day trip to Sedalia, MO and Warsaw, MO brought some rewarding moments!
Other than seeing the Snowy Owls this past Winter at Smithville Lake,
seeing these Eagles today tops any moment I've ever experienced in Nature.
It brings a whole new meaning to "bird watching!"
When I arrived home late this evening and uploaded my photos,
I'd taken 480 shots today!
It was really hard to quickly choose which ones to use in my blog.
I just "grabbed" the first few that caught my eye and these are what I chose!
I hope to have a FB album put together by the first of next week.

I'm in love...Eagle love.
Coming in for a nest landing!

Baby gazing out of the nest while Mom and Dad are away...
"Hey, where are you guys? I'm hungry!"

Back home with the baby!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Wed, 11 Apr 2012 21:51:00 GMT
Day 82...A Little Pink "Witch" Day 82

As happy as I am to have my camera back,
 I was too tired this evening to leave the house and go out on the hunt for a subject.
Sooo, we (my camera and I) headed out the front door and took a few test shots
right in my own front yard!
It appears to be functioning/focusing properly! 
I've got some serious test shooting to do in the next few days before I can be sure.
The repair detail form said it was the same problem as before! Just as I suspected.
I sure hope they got it right this time!!


[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Tue, 10 Apr 2012 19:30:00 GMT
Day 81...Family Dinner Out
Day 81
 My brother-in-law and his family came into town for Easter
and the big 80th birthday surprise!!! 
We decided to take them to one of our favorite places!!!
What's for dinner?

on the way home, since for once I wasn't the one driving across the bridge, I tried my hand at catching a shot of the Kit Bond Bridge...
(my friend Norine took one recently and gave me the idea)
Thanks for helping me out with this one, Norine!
As soon as I realized Mark was taking this route back home,
I knew what I was going to do!!!
Another "drive by!"

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Mon, 09 Apr 2012 21:55:00 GMT
Days 80...Easter Sunday Surprise Party! :) Day 80
A good time was had by all...:)
A great day to be with family and friends!

They're ready for the Easter egg hunt!!

 My Easter Iris...:)

Two of GiGi's Munchkin's ...
partaking in some Easter egg contents!

Granny blowing out her "80" candles...
(I was kind and went the easy route for her)

Hmmm, where's all the grass I put in there?

The day is done, house cleaned up and all is quiet.
The surprise, laughter, conversation, kids playing and all that food I worried over
 are all just a memory now.

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sun, 08 Apr 2012 21:30:00 GMT
Day 79...Whoopie Pie Time
Day 79
After a very busy morning and a disappointing pick up at a local Liberty bakery, I decided I'd better do some baking so there would be plenty of desserts
for Easter dinner and the surprise party...
this is the only photo I took the entire day, although I made Snickerdoodles too...:)

Chocolate Chip Whoopie Pies

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Sat, 07 Apr 2012 21:52:00 GMT
Day 78...Drive By Shooting
Day 78
While out doing our usual Friday evening shopping, running errands and eating out we were sitting several cars back at the stoplight of North Oak and Vivion when I noticed the fountain! I scrambled to get my trusty little PnS out of my purse and see what I could "shoot" out the car window!
 Racing at the speed of at least 25 mph... :)
 this is what I caught!!!

Drive By "Shooting"...:)

the Easter Bunny went shopping! :)
[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Fri, 06 Apr 2012 21:47:00 GMT
Day 77...Foo-Foo :) Day 77
(day 7 of making do)
What are you supposed to do when you go out to dinner with the girls?
Have one of those Foo-Foo drinks, right?
Talk about your men?
Your kids too?
Well, men and children didn't even come up in the conversation
unless it was photography related!!
But I'm still thinking about that YUMMY looking drink that I did NOT order...
What the heck was I thinking?

Next time!!!

[email protected] (GiGi K Photography) Thu, 05 Apr 2012 21:29:00 GMT
Day 76...Just One? HA!!! :) Day 76
(day 6 of making do)

All I can say about these Werther's soft caramels is...
they should come with a warning label which states that they promote substance abuse.
They are beyond delicious, addictive and you will be unable to stop at one, or two, or three....
and on