~through the eyes of gigi~

Welcome to my world! 

 What you'll see here is life ... Someones real life!

Maybe mine. Maybe yours. 

But always...

through the eyes of GiGi 




Day 21... Pipers First Family

January 21, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

Today is Saturday the 21st of January, 2017! A beautiful day! And, any day you get to spend with kind, loving people who love their fur babies as much as you do, well, that's a great day in my book!  Mark and I went to visit Sunny today. She was Piper's first human mommy. We're so glad we found her and that we have Piper now, too! One of the best parts of this story is one many of you have probably heard. But, I love telling this story! So here ya go! :D

After my veterinarian's office made a phone call, on my behalf, to a breeder they knew had available Labrador puppies, Mark and I were anxiously waiting to hear from her. Our vet had assured us she was the kind of breeder we wanted. Responsible! She called me that same evening, we spoke, went over a few details regarding when we could go look at the puppies etc and I got off the phone GIDDY with excitement. Although she sent me, via text, a couple of photos of the momma dog and litter, I was so excited that I decided it wouldn't hurt to scope out her fb page just to see if she had possibly posted puppy photos from past litters. Yes, I found some adorable photos from past litters but what really knocked my socks off was seeing a photo she had of two dogs on her front porch!!! A very familiar front porch; one I've walked across in my life more times than I could count. Quite seriously, I nearly fell out of bed when I realized she lived in the same house I grew up in! What a small world it really is. It was meant to be that we found her. Not only did we acquire our sweet Piper from her but, she's become a real friend and I couldn't be happier to have a new friend like her in my life. I feel bad that I don't have a photo of her for today's post but I do have one of her daughter and the Divine Miss P's canine family. They're all beauties! Human and canine! :) Sunny, be prepared. Consider yourself warned! You can't escape my camera for long :D

Kaitlin with Hudson

L to R ... Piper's grandma Kansas, her momma, Kamo and her littermate brother, Hudson. A very fine trio!

Kaitlin and Hudson

Hudson, the handsome one. 


Day 20 ... Day 20, 2012

January 19, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

Another journey back in time... Let's see what day 20, 2012 has to offer. I think the one really fun thing for me about these 'throw back' days is that I don't remember what day 20 was five years ago. How could I. I never look before I post them so it's always a fun surprise for me, going back in time!

 Let me go fetch that post right now! .... brb :)

Ahhhh, I couldn't be happier to share this one. Aside from my novice photography skills (not that I'm such a pro now, mind you) this was one of my favorites from that year. 

Day 20... Small Things




February 08, 2012  •  Leave a Comment

 Day 20

The best things in life smile when they see you drive up in your car.

The best things in life let you build towers just so they can knock them down.

The best things in life chew on the dog bone...then give it back to the dog.

They reach for you with little, outstretched arms, cry when you tell them "no"

and look you straight in the eye as they do it again... :)

The best things in life want to watch a movie with you.

The best things in life want you to have lots of art on your fridge.

They want to read a book to YOU,  fix your hair "pretty"...

and then tell you that you look "a little weird."

The best things in life say they've been "praying and praying" to come back to your house. 

The best things in life respond to "Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite" with...

"but if they do, smack 'em with your shoe" and then giggle...:)

The best things in life really are the "small things"

They are the mirror to our own past

and the key to our future.

The best things in life are God's reward for whatever we've done right!





Day 19 ... Orange Cat

January 18, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

My sweet Orange Cat. She begged. It's that simple. I tried to tell her being on the blog twice in one week was one too many times but she posed like a pro (had nothing to do with a few crumbs lying on the counter, you know.) :)

Love this cat. She's 5 years older now since my last 365 project and no longer ALWAYS sits right by my side while I work. I'm pretty sure I can say she never left my side during that year. She truly was my feline assistant. Now, she much prefers the comfort of a recliner that one of her humans has turned over to her after heading off to bed.

Here she is. In all her beautiful orange glory. 

Day 18 ... Caramel Heaven

January 17, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

Planet Kane still has some candy happenin'... yes , we do and it's the best you've ever had. I would be willing to wager.  Just my opinion of course. And, I do have a ton of opinions...But, we won't get into those. Let's just stick to the most heavenly caramels you've ever tasted!

Now, I know a few days back I informed you of my lack of skill when it comes to food photography. So, keep that in mind. Maybe it will help you not to be so jealous that you aren't enjoying these mouth-watering, homemade caramels. Or, maybe not. They. Are. Incredible. 

From this....

to this ....

to this....oh, I can taste them now :D

OK, by now, rest assured, I've tasted. 

Day 17 ... Vote, PLEASE

January 16, 2017  •  3 Comments

All in good fun, you know. Sooo, :) please leave your vote in the comments! To paint, or not to paint. That is the question. This fireplace needs help in the worst way. Well, I think it does anyway. Mark, on the other hand, he thinks it's just fine the way it is (sigh.) Of course, he does. But, me? I want to paint it! It will brighten and lighten the room, don't you agree? For one, the color of the brick is not attractive. Two, it just makes the room darker and that's what bothers me most! This room also has a covered porch right outside the only windows which only adds to the darkness! Aaand, when we bought the house the wood paneling was still wood stained. Ok, believe me, I was screaming TOOOO DARK!!! Without any hesitation, at all, I knew the walls had to be painted. That alone was enough to cause Marks jaw to drop. You should've seen the look on his face when I said I was going to paint the paneling. He was so worried I would ruin it. I thought painting the room would be enough, and it did help but, it's still dark. I REALLY think painting the fireplace would definitely brighten the room. On top of all my 'it's too dark of a room' issues, it's an odd configuration with the door leading to the garage on one side and then the recessed cabinet and shelving on the other. That not being painted already is all my own hesitation. I just wasn't sure what I wanted to do with it when I painted the walls so I left it as it was/is. 

So, tell me true! Here's a photo of the fireplace. Tell me whatcha think? If nothing else, you gotta love my Divine Miss P the photo bomber! <3

Oh and by the way. I'm mainly looking for some moral support! lolol Seriously. If I was REALLY confident that I wouldn't screw this up, I probably would've already done it. Mark knows I'm serious. He'll be fine. As long as I don't ruin it!!! Because I know there's no going back when painting brick! Let me just say, YIKES! I know what I want, I'm just nervous I can't pull it off and it 'need$' to be a diy project. I'm too cheap and wouldn't pay to have it done. It's gotta be me, or a no go. So now that the truth is out (I'm lacking in confidence,) place your vote for what you think should be done. Paint, or no. Then throw in a few words of encouragement while you're at it! :D Thanks!

Second photo? That's my little Hare Bear. <3  I know he'll love coming to GiGi and PaPa's house whether I paint the fireplace, or not. I'll be his "Sweetheart" and let him play on my tablet anytime he wants! And, I have snacks too! 

Photography lesson with this post? I now know I'm not fit to be a real estate photographer. Food Photographer-X ... Real Estate photographer-X ... two down and counting!

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