Day 363
Wow, I can't believe I only have 3 more days!
Yeah, it's three, not two... I forgot all about last year being a leap year!!
Must not forget that one extra day! ;) lol
I'm a day behind in counting also, (and I know it's only important to me,)
but after somehow letting one silly day go by without taking a single photo,
(May 21, 2012 to be exact :/)
I was so determined (back then, not now lolol) to make up that one day sooo...
I'm a day behind.
Oh well, so much for my obsessive, technical day counting.
As I doesn't really matter at all, it's only important to me!
This photo is of my little room.
As you can see, my ever faithful assistant, Orange Cat,
is sitting there, waiting on me to sit down
before she settles down on her stool next to me.
I've spent so many hours here over the last year.
Sitting in that chair, as I am now, editing and blogging..
I'm so glad I took on this project and even happier it's nearly complete!
I'm honestly not sure what I'll do with myself! lol