Day 10... Oopsie #3

January 10, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

I really am struggling this time around, but, I'm learning a lot about me... I said I wasn't going to beat myself up yet, I still am. Stressing each day that I haven't had a worthy photo to post along with my "babbling blog.' And, seriously, stressing over a blog? RIDICULOUS! I want it to be fun. I just can't seem to find the time to get out for an interesting photography shot. I think I need to remind myself that I have 354 days to go. Hopefully, the worthwhile photo days will heavily outweigh the other days. And, at the end of it all, I'll have a year in my life documented even if it is just some snapshot photo days here and there..... I hope you enjoy another day of my 2012 blog! I haven't clicked on it yet so even I don't remember what day 10 held five years ago. Hopefully it will be a 'worthy' one...I sure had some less than grand photos on that blog, too! lolol 

January 29, 2012

Day 10 ... Days Gone By

Day 10
Once in a
while, we all reminisce about the way things used to be. Lots of clever Fwd's seem to float around the internet, through our e-mail and on Facebook that remind us of our own childhood and how truly different it really was compared to the children of today. Occasionally, though, when your not even thinking of it, is when it really hits you!
Today as I was walking around town here in Liberty with my husband I saw this phone booth. I immediately loved it's bright color and how it just screamed of days gone by. But what really struck me was the young people who had just passed by us in a car, laughing and squealing (there were eight of them piled in this fairly small car..we counted as they got out)... but as they drove past I saw at least a few of them with cell phones in hand. I had to wonder if any of them had ever even used a pay phone, much less used one inside of a phone booth!!! It was just one of those instant reminders of how different things were when I was their age...(now, being piled in a car with way too many passengers remains the same)
Don't get me wrong, I actually like technology and for the most 
part I embrace all the changes and want to keep up with how things change. I don't ever want to be that "older person" who is really way too young to be so "out of touch" with the way things are nowadays. It just really made me wonder what will my children look back on when they're only 52 years old and remember as being soooo different from the way it is right now...:)



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