Day 15 ... Orange CatMeet Orange Cat. Yep, that's her name. We've had her for almost 12 years now and she remains, quite simply, Orange Cat. It's official you know when it's on their veterinary record! After the first few months of spending countless hours trying our best to come up with a name that suited her, we just couldn't and slowly, Orange Cat just stuck. But, at this point I'm convinced she's not living in a state of despair over it. She is affectionately called Pusskins on a regular basis and seems emotionally well adjusted so her name is rarely discussed except when introducing her to others. :) However, what has disrupted her little world, and likely caused her some despair is the existence of two small humans living in what she firmly believes is solely her domain. Two small humans who are WAY more interested in her than she is in them. I can just imagine her sighs and feelings of disdain when she sees them coming. But, wouldn't you know, she ALWAYS seems happily hunkered down in a chair or on our bed upstairs, EXCEPT when you want her to be! She regularly attempts to hold her ground just waiting for one of them to get close while she's lounging in one of our recliners. That's when the warning meow is sounded! Next comes the stealthy swat if the meow wasn't sufficient to ward them off. HA! Seriously? Ward them off? They're fascinated by her! I can't imagine why though considering they've both been swatted at multiple times. Somehow, unlike me, I'm very sure that Orange Cat won't miss those babies one bit when they move soon. Today, when both the babes were napping, this is where I found her and where she stayed for an hour or more. I'm sure she was very proud and quite happy with herself thinking 'I'll show them' as she laid her fluffy self right smack dab in the middle of the living room floor next to all their little toys!!! She gave me 'the look' when I was making her portrait as if to say, 'I'VE NEVER HAD THIS MANY TOYS!
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